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I am here for Friends

About Me

Here's some random and possibly useless info about me:
I'm a big fan of live music and have seen hundreds of bands with minimal hearing loss; I write as a contractor for a few publishing companies and am also a runner; I once made 23 straight free throws in a game of 21 (basketball); when it's too early in the morning I typically do things like pouring milk on the dinner plate instead of in the cereal bowl; my preferred method of learning is through osmosis; I change my profile often to reflect the latest trends in Hollywood and Wall Street; I'm not very photogenic so I rely on my hair-and-makeup team after a night on the town; in my past life I was either a moody Roman emperor or a Buddhist monk; my favorite sport is soccer, the beautiful game, which is one of the many things I do in my spare time (besides playing with my slinky™); I usually tip at least 15% at restaurants, but Sonic doesn't count; my favorite liquor is chartreuse because it pushes me over the edge; I try to take things in life with a squeeze of lime rather than a grain of salt

My Interests

music, writing, soccer, poker, live comedy, running, hiking, baking cookies,thinking, drinking, doing something, doing nothing, escaping the mundane, listening to the rain, the sun shining through the panes, things that tickle my brain

I'd like to meet:

writers, poets, musicians, thinkers, artists, footballers, old friends, people with soul


I love rock 'n roll...and many other bands outside and in between that realm...including jazz, folk, metal, ambient, classical, hip hop, classic country...


movies about rock n roll like spinal tap and dazed and confused, 80s classics like ghostbusters, goonies, and the jerk, campy horror flicks with zombies and gore, sci-fi, silly asian kungfu, epic masterpieces, david lynch films, old hitchcock and italian cinema, film noir, tarantino flicks, and basically any movie that engages my brain like memento, pi, etc.


daily show, south park, 24, Mr. Show, Seinfeld, Three's Company reruns, stuff on travel channel


american classics like mark twain, hemingway and poe, others like dostoevski, orwell, kurt vonnegut, shakespeare, nietzsche, greek tragedy, fantasy/sci-fi by jonathan carroll, dan simmons and stephen king, carlos castaneda, henry rollins, books about quantum physics, philosophy, poker, and geography


never compromise their integrity

My Blog

poem from Jim Morrison...

People need ConnectorsWriters, heroes, stars,leadersTo give life form.A child's sand boat facingthe sun.Plastic soldiers in the miniaturedirt war. Forts.Garage rocket shipsCeremonies, theatre, dancesT...
Posted by Ryan on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:51:00 PST

Dangerous toys

You know a society is in bad shape when even the toys we buy are dangerous and later recalled by the manufacturer. First it was the easy-bake oven and its too-hot ramifications (like most ovens) for t...
Posted by Ryan on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 09:27:00 PST

the race of supergeniuses

Have you ever wondered how the world would be if we were all a bunch of superintelligent, 160+ IQ beings? If you think the stress of everyday life is tough now, just think about it with a bunch of hyp...
Posted by Ryan on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 10:11:00 PST

like planets

Like planets and starswe are massive bodieson a smaller scalewe attract and repelbased on our own individual gravitation Some people have a large circle of friendstheir own solar systemothers seem dis...
Posted by Ryan on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 09:11:00 PST

marking time

This one's a little deep... At any given moment, between any given time span, an infinite number of events [are] occur[ring] on this planet, in this galaxy, in this universe. But is anything actually ...
Posted by Ryan on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 07:45:00 PST

They're coming

What's coming? The cicadas that's what. Here are some quotes from an article I just read at http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070520/ap_on_re_us/cicada_invas ion: "Coming soon: Brood XIII. It sounds li...
Posted by Ryan on Mon, 21 May 2007 10:19:00 PST


Danger! Watch for falling rock.....Warning! Men at workWe see signs like these along roadways and other means of thoroughfare in our cities and towns, but we never see signs like: "Warning--Closed-min...
Posted by Ryan on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 09:18:00 PST

lettuce prey

As I crouched amongst a thick herd of bovine grazersand gazed below a dense canopy of hanging uddersI saw it a mere yard or two away from mesurely within easy hacking distance: The mythical plant, lac...
Posted by Ryan on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 09:56:00 PST

deceptively vague

The theory of "relativity" holds true with the English language as well as in science (read future blogs about inertial vs. non-inertial observers). A statement of ambiguity often amounts to noth...
Posted by Ryan on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 08:58:00 PST

letting people merge: a moral slippery slope

The situation I speak of in the subject line refers to a common scenario encountered while driving in the US, specifically endemic to major metro areas. When you are going about your daily driving bus...
Posted by Ryan on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 10:29:00 PST