music, writing, soccer, poker, live comedy, running, hiking, baking cookies,thinking, drinking, doing something, doing nothing, escaping the mundane, listening to the rain, the sun shining through the panes, things that tickle my brain
writers, poets, musicians, thinkers, artists, footballers, old friends, people with soul
I love rock 'n roll...and many other bands outside and in between that realm...including jazz, folk, metal, ambient, classical, hip hop, classic country...
movies about rock n roll like spinal tap and dazed and confused, 80s classics like ghostbusters, goonies, and the jerk, campy horror flicks with zombies and gore, sci-fi, silly asian kungfu, epic masterpieces, david lynch films, old hitchcock and italian cinema, film noir, tarantino flicks, and basically any movie that engages my brain like memento, pi, etc.
daily show, south park, 24, Mr. Show, Seinfeld, Three's Company reruns, stuff on travel channel
american classics like mark twain, hemingway and poe, others like dostoevski, orwell, kurt vonnegut, shakespeare, nietzsche, greek tragedy, fantasy/sci-fi by jonathan carroll, dan simmons and stephen king, carlos castaneda, henry rollins, books about quantum physics, philosophy, poker, and geography
never compromise their integrity