I have dreamed about doing VOICE OVERS...knowledge, writing, and playing music...I am also interested in seeing your comments on the samples of my poetry I left in the bulletin and blog....
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The World...
Eclectic...I play and teach Latin Percussion...I love my drums... Don Omar: The Chosen Few
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"Captured Thoughts" Available at Barnesandnoble.com You can ask your local bookstore to order copies of it if they don't have it in stock...in the mean time here is a sample...Crying Freemen suffer in silencebellowing nature's echo in free verse.Listen to that cry and cascading raindropswhich reflect bittersweet sensations radiating from the soul. Hear our cry in this verse for we the free although silent have a voice to be heard...
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My Grandma, Mom, Dad, Superman, and Hulk Hogan...