I, Bret “Hitman†Hart, hail from the first family of pro wrestling and was trained in Calgary’s infamous Hart family dungeon by my promoter father, Stu Hart, who was awarded the Order of Canada for a lifetime of contributions to charity and community. It was in this humanitarian spirit that I traveled the globe for two decades as World Champion of both major wrestling organizations brightening the lives of sick and dying children, who I met one on one while taking seriously my position to live up to being a role model to millions more watching on TV.
I earned numerous amateur wrestling awards before turning to olympic style wrestling’s more theatrical counterpart and I am widely considered by my peers to be the most technically proficient pro wrestler of this generation. But when I confidently assert my slogan proclaiming that I'm the best there is, was or ever will be, it’s not because I'm the toughest or the strongest ... but because in all those thousands of hard hitting action packed bouts - what I am really so prideful about is that I never actually hurt even one opponent!
Click here to own my DVD.