What are they saying about Mangled Angels?
From Fark.com - capt_sensible 2007-07-13 10:10:20 PM
You subbie, are a major freak. you should turn yourself in ...get some help.
capt_sensible wins a Mangled Angels t-shirt! If we can find one in a size large enough to fit over his ego and his head.
Mangled Angels is an online serialization, a fictional foray into delusion, a morality tale, and a warning. Your actions, both past and present, leave an indelible mark upon your soul. Sometimes, those marks are visible to those who know how to see them, and they often tell a story that is best kept hidden away.
We can see them. You can't hide this time....
At some point in our lives we each make one defining mistake. What if your mistake was to kill the one person you loved more than anything else? How would you handle it? How would you atone for that sin?
How could you ever live with yourself....
Mangled Angels will be updated daily with new content and photographs. Please visit www.mangledangels.com regularly to see what vile things the human condition encourages in us....I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4