I enjoy Skiing (Snow), Diving (Scuba), Beach walks, Great food, Dancing (Salsa), Golf, Movies, A good book, SCA fighting, and spending time with family and friends. I retired from professional magic in 1994 after 15 years as an entertainer. I am currently working on a come back project that I have been working on for the last 3 years.
People that want more from life than the typical "RUT". People who care about others, people who are not afraid to work hard and then play hard. Anybody who wants an AWESOME life NOT just a good life. Someone who isn't AFRAID to DREAM. People with a passion for life, family, helping others, and just all around FUN!!
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I enjoy just about everything, rock, classsic, rap, hip hop, and country/western (in small doeses). TOP CHOICES: Linkin Park, Jay Z, Lindsey, Em, BTO, ACDC, KISS, Def Leppard, and my friend Bridget. I really enjoy working with new musicians, composers, and recording artists, and seeing the enthusiasm for music not the paycheck.
I like pretty much all movies, however if there is a positive message in it all the better. STAR WARS (all of them). Braveheart, Rudy, Lord of the Rings, A few good men, King Kong (Jackson RULES), School of rock, Pirates of the Carribian, Serenity, and Oceans 11 and 12.
CSI (Vegas, Miami, NY), Law & Order SVU, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Las Vegas.
My favorite authors are John Maxwell, Robert Kiyosaki, Napolean Hill, Dilbert, and Winnie the Pooh. I also like magician's autobiographies. ie Robert Houdin, Harry Houdini, Hermanns, etc.
My Grandfather, for serving his country and doing what others wouldn't. My Aunt for teaching me to always question everything. My Grandmother for believing in me when others wouldn't. James, and Dean for the mentorship and friendship that I will treasure always. George Lucas, for leading the way when others said it couldn’t be done. Last but definatly not least to David and Margarete Blauvelt for supporting the military and the memory of there dads with the store...THANK YOU ALL