About Me
FIRST AND FOREMOST - ONE WISH: Please put me on Top Friends, so that our message is visible to everyone who wishes to be a part of our mantra. Will you do that?ABOUT ME; Of Norwegian origin, I'm Piracykillsmusic.no, which is my real name, and I was born on Feb 8th 2007, as a result of a joint venture by IFPI Norway, Fono, Gramart, MFO, Norsk Artistforbund and TONO. I was born out of the sheer reason that music piracy will in the end kill music if we don't seek to end it. I'm a Norwegian creature, but my message goes out to all true music lovers, songwriters, musicians, record companies, managements and music organisastions throughout the world. We must end the madness of illegal filesharing and pirate distribution of music, which will eventually, if this evolves, strangle the possibilities to distibute music in a legal manner. MY MESSAGE IS THIS; Buy music digitally through the legitimate online music shops, where those who actually own the rights to the music get their nickles and dimes to go on creating, performing and distributing music. Because, music is what you love, isn't it?