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jewelry displays

About Me

My wife and I started our company in 1998, making and selling jewelry to salons and boutiques. After years of selling our jewelry designs to various stores, we found a need for unique jewelry displays to compliment our jewelry designs.

Having trained in sculpture and in 3D design, the change from selling jewelry to creating jewelry displays out of wrought iron was a natural transition. We now offer our jewelry displays to other jewelry designers, boutiques and retail stores.

Our displays are also perfect for organizing your personal jewelry collection at home.

My Interests

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Chinatown, Lawrence Of Arabia, Midnight Cowboy, The Night Of The Hunter, Taxi Driver, The Apartment, Blue Velvet, Badlands, Brazil, Cool Hand Luke, Fargo, The Last Picture Show, The Thirty-Nine Steps, The Last Emperor, Groundhog Day, This is Spinal Tap, Kind Hearts and Coronets, The Lavender Hill Mob, Doctor Zhivago, Far From the Madding Crowd , The Draughtsman's Contract , Distant Voices Still Lives , Nil By Mouth , Withnail and I, The Big Lebowski, Sideways,My Life As A Dog, Crash,

My Blog

Jewelry Display Intro

I don't intend to stick rigidly to my declared topic (jewelry displays etc.) I'm also likely to spend some time on jewelry making, suppliers of jewelry and findings here in Los Angeles, craft and trad...
Posted by Subastral on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:23:00 PST

New to myspace

I have finally created my myspace page. I look forward to meeting new friends and sharing our mutual interest.  
Posted by Subastral on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 12:49:00 PST