Green Robot Lab Accesories is a one-gal-operated business. Although the name and logo are relatively new, Julie (me), as head designer, count with almost 10 years of experience. Green Robot Lab is all about uniqueness, fun, originality, colorful thoughts, confidence and individuality. I strongly believe in not being one with masses. In our time, when the media dictates everything from how to dress to what to think, its easier than you think to kiss goodbye everyday tackiness. G.R.L.'s jewelry can't be defined by one specific style, since every piece is made to fit whatever your style is. In G.R.L.'s pieces you can find all kinds of glass, plastic, vintage components such as beads, chains, buttons and fabric; wood, hemp, resin, felt, and also handmade and handpainted beads. What's great about the diversity of materials is playing and matching resulting in exclusive, full-of-feeling wearable art for you. Green Robot Lab is not just another trend, because they all come and go. It's the trend you make your own.
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