Out of Order was started in 2001 in Halifax Nova Scotia. Originally Tiffany on Guitar, Phil on drums, Nancea on bass and Scott(Rear Admirals)on vocals. The band grinded out a few impromtu shows until Matt the Wolfman(A.S.B, Slitch) joined the band in 2002 as a lead guitarist. The next couple of years were spent intermitently jamming and gigging. Matt left the band in 2003 to move to Montreal but the Out of Order army continued on. Nancea decided to leave the band in 2004 to travel to the west coast of Canada and was replaced by Mike(Raygunomics, On the blood of Others) on bass. the band played several gigs with Mike on bass in 2005. Stagnating in Halifax the band split apart in summer of 2005. Phil and Tiffany heeded to the great call of the west while Scott moved to Montreal where the band reformed with the Wolfman. Ex Haliconian patriot Tom (Plague Dogs) signed on bass and Liam (Metalian,A.S.B, A.I.L) joined up on drums. Brian (No Alliance, Class of 84) grabbed couple of beers and started strumming on rythum guitar. Out of Order spent the next year jamming, writing and gigging around Montreal. Brian, left the band late in 2006 but the band continued gigging around town. Currently the band's line up stands with Liam on drums, the Wolfman on guitar, Tom on bass and Scott continuing his gurbled rants with the newest recruit to the Out of Order army, Tim (Plague Dogs) cutting down the guitar solos. Out of Order continues on in spite of adversity, jamming and gigging as a working class punk and oi band all over Montreal and beyond. Keep yer eyes and ears open. The Out of Order assualt cannot be stopped!!...........
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