Far-Western philosophy. Super-disco-break'n,Bringin-it.Meso-American philosophy.Cognition.Thinking in languages that are foriegn to me. Bustn' gainers off road bridges.!!!!!! Native American martial arts(wolverine fighting),Botany.ethnobotany.Lucid dreaming.Stalking myself. The manipulation of perception and awareness.Nature.Full-on raging nature!!!! Furred feathered and finned friends. The water and winds. The trees. The spirit-that-moves-through-all-things.Skate spots and debris jams in the creek.Bringin the motherfuckin good ass times! Foosball.Guitar.I like to defeat motion and heat detectors and locks. Booby traps are fun on friends. I love tea, wild tea unsweetened and un-iced.
People who are good in a crunch.Poeple with zero degree pitch and zero stradle in their stride,foxwalkers,and people who use varying vision(splatter,wide angle).Active people who love all of the seasons and being outside in them.FRANCES O'CONNOR.Ho-boogie- up-mutherfucking-punk-rock-n-roll-party- ass-skitzwagons. Billy gibbons again.Someone to defeat locks with.Someone to defeat motion detectors with. Girls who can dig my shit while I'm diggin theirs.Owls.Allison Robertson.Geronimo. Female athletes.Maggie Gyllenhaal. Whoever fucked up my Icecube record at the madera house, Any of my staydown mother-fuckin homies that care to prove that we can last.Respect this .Brody from Fitzroy.Mike Reno so I can steal his magical headband. My otherness!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dead Boys Stiv Bators Rock-n-roll. Punk rock-n-roll. Country-blues. You know, ZZ TOP Ramones ,Glucifer,Zeke,Turbonegro, Waylon,Vibrators.Motorhead.Donnas.Dolls Iggy,Thunders.Fela Afro-beat. Taj-Mahal.Boogie Down Productions.Dale Watson ,Jessie Dayton, Chris Knight. T-Rex,Supersuckers.Riverboat Gamblers. Gap Band. Funk Soul. R and b. Boogie stomp. Kuntry. Judas Priest Look man I'm on my 3rd record collection K !
Beerfest. I'm usually too busy tryin' to identify the plants,looking for mistakes, counting tracks to pay attention to the movie.
Fuel T.V.Skinamax
Manuals. Guides...................................................... .......... I read tracks fool. The sky and some maps. Manuals and Guides I have more than 20 guides on edible medicinal and utilitarian uses for plants. ................................................I have many leather bound books, my house smells of rich mahogany."
My Dad is the baddest mother-fucker ever.My mom. Tom brown Jr. Geronimo. Yeah I have heros.