About Me
Welcome on the first, official webpage of Rejstracja !
Siata (drummer) is the founder and producer of this project.
I am Jancio, new admin of this site,
and I would to welcome you warmly in our small room at myspaceDOTcom.
Some time ago we were together enjoying another beer trip
when suddenly this God's drink enlightened!
We have wanted to mark some space in this world wide web just for us
and share our music and thoughts with others.
We would like to thank you for adding us to your friendlist,
writing comments and we really hope that you enjoy your stay here, with us.---------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------The longest history of Rejestracja Przedpoborowa
The atmosphere of crysis in general philosophy of life and economic crysis was connected with incapacity of socialistic regime and all of his signs in the most aspects of social life brought to critical point.
The beginning of 80's in Poland means – martial law, cruel law was punishing young people on life in static hierarchy and limited possibilites. Despite of that in these times there was another revolution, that can be called great rock boom, that just after Warsaw, found own capital in city of Torun. Torun – Studencki Klub Pracy Twórczej (SKPT) Od Nowa; there has been gathered and created new wave – Polish punk capital. Under Waldek Rudzicki lead there were created groups like: Republika, Kobranocka, Rejestracja, SS - 20 Nowo-mowa, Bikini, Nocna Zmiana Bluesa, Snaypers and a lot more of less known formations. That was some kind of reaction on actual situation in country and showing how great changes were going in music and it's ideologii in these time all over the world.
Long, long ago in 1980, young, 16 years old, citizen – Tomasz Siatka 16 on his way to music school has noticed another young citizen – Slawek „Sawana†Kaplunow, which was shocking with his extraordinary look, and decided to known him. During conversation they realised that they have got common friend – Lech Leon Jarocki. They all were linked by love to music and instruments so after Leon's guide they created group. Some role in this event got School Nr 23 that's pupil was Siata. In his class Grzegorze „Gelo†Sakerski was takeing part in „windows singing challangeâ€:
„7th D won't give up! All stupid know, that u can find whores in 7th D†and that was enough to make Gelo group's singing pillar. In time of bus strikes first music trainings were in strange and unusal places like: bakery (Ziolo's place) or houses (Kawa's place). Finally group installed in Artus Court in centre of old town in rooms of „Od Nowa†club (primary group localistation) under full name: Rejestracja Przedpoborowa.
In the first squad were:
Slawek „Sawana†Kaplunow – bass guitar
Lech „Leon†Jarocki - guitar
Grzegorz „Gelo†Sakerski - singer
Tomasz „Siata†Siatka - drummer
Big role in group was playing Pawel „Kawa†Kaplunow friend of group, and also basist's brother, which also was takeing care of texts and manager's matters since 1984. In this squad songs like: „Salt 2â€, „Kosmita z planety Argos†or „Pierdolone autobusy†were performed, unfortunetly they didn't save. Music style of the group can be described as punk with little influence of hard rock, becouse of Leon, guitarist which left group that year for rock formation SS – 20. Zbigniew Colbecki has taken his place – later leader of Afront and Bikini. First succes came quite early becouse in 1981 on the 2nd Torunski Przeglad Muzyki Nowofalowej (Torun's Newwave Music Festival) group was friendly welcomed and got very positive reviews. Just after that group got the first tour around Poland – mainly on sea coast. On the 13th of December 1981 polish goverment decided to introduce martial law (the local end of the world).
Since march of 1982 „Od Nowa†resumed activity, and group their trainings. In the squad shown up
Tomasz „Murek†Murawski which has replaced Zbyszek Colbecki (he has begun his solo career). Murek with his typical rytmic – pank sound became, next to drummer, one of the strong group's pillar. In that way was created the most knows group squad. New program with new guitarist was welcomed very good by audience in Torun, Gdansk, Brodnica, Bydgoszcz. Fast, smooth and dynamic songs ( „Darmowe wczasyâ€, „Smierc to wolnoscâ€, „Idzie wariat ulicaâ€) allowed them to achieve firm status and swarm of funs. We can't hide the fact that group was inspired by many british and american punk groups as: UK Subs, Discharge, Sham 69, Killing Joke, Dead Kennedy's. In summer of 82 group took part in Jarocin's Festival and made first recordings at student broadcasting station „Klub Morski†at Mikolaj Kopernik University. Records were made by Wojtek Poza. In july of 83 group participated in prestigous Nowa Fala Festival at „Od Nowaâ€; place that has stable position among polish music events. Rejestracja shocked audience with texts like: take your hands of me, we need to fight for love, for love we have to fight, so take rifle and shot, shot! Aim in the back, aim in the back! We need to fight for peace? Need to fight for love? In this time many songs were created that later were performed by other punk-rock groups like: „Nowa generacjaâ€, „Idziemy do pracyâ€, „Stwórca†, „Wyscig zbrojenâ€, „Dla kogo jest przemoc†or „Idzie wariat ulica†- probably the most famous song, which text was written on many houses and underground passages. Summer of 84' – Jarocin – performance on the big scene. Group was in the hall of fame of polish alternative music groups. In some circles even raised to rank of myth.
In 1985 group took part in Pawel Karpinski move among many rock stars of that times. Audiance got a chance to hear main song: „Idzie wariat ulicaâ€. In the sam year group again took part in Jarocin Festival and Warsaw's „Róbreaggeâ€. In this time next to Gelo from time to time was performing Pinio. Soon Leszek „Kulka†Zawrot took Sawana's place. Groups also made first recordings for Tonpress publisher on various artist vinyl „Jak punk to punkâ€. On this vinyl were two tracks made by Rejestracja „Numer 1125†and „Wszystko mozna otoczyc mglaâ€. One year later in 1986 during Gelo's temporary unpresence his place took new vocalist Mirek „Gonzo†Zacharski ( Tortilla Flat, now – MGM). New program with new vocalist got their first presentation on Torun's festival „Rock dookola roku†and on The First Cynic Atomic Era Youngsters Festival in „Kolejarz†club in Gdynia. They were playing next to such groups like Bielizna (Goringa), Formacja Niezywych Schabuff or Róze Europy. After short break in 1987 came another try to rebirth group with Jacek Bryndal ( Szybki Kazik in Kobranocka, now also Atrakcyjny Kazimierz), this try didn't work out. Group was still writing without vocalist but with new basist: Kazik „Gutek†Golinski (Wiosna).
The summary of this era is Siata's, Murek's and Gutek's emigration to Germany.
a's musicians didn't stop with their tries and still were writing in new german reality in Munster, in Lyra Music club. The one that after some time gave out german formation – H – Blocxx. Later on their own they took part in german and polish - german groups events. In meanwhile in Poland were made movie document „Rejestracje†directed by Lukasz Karwowski. But this product was not warmly welcomed by group and their fans ( no authorisation, tendentiousness and lies).......................................................
.....The year 1995 – another rebirth of group, still with Gonzo singing, with another basist: Bartek Lewandowski (now – Ok laski). Thanks to that new records were made in studio „Modern Sound†in city of Gdansk under „Z innego punktu widzenia†title. Characteristic, melodicly – grung -blues voice has changed punk characted of formation. That's why after another break in group activity, thanks to Tomek „Lutek†Frost (ex – Abaddon) (new group manager) activity has been resumed, now again with Gelo as vocalist. New and present group basist became Piotr Warszewski (The Point). In December of on '98 concert in „Od Nowa†on 40th anniversary of group existance. In January of '99 concerts in Torun at „Art. Cafe†and „Rycerskaâ€, later performance in Bydgoszcz and together with U.K Subs amazing show in Poznan. February of '99 – formations is recording new tracks at Spart studio in Rzeszów. In June '99 shots were made to new video clip „Swieta Wojnaâ€. We would like to invite you on concert, at TV sets and to the shops.With punk greetingsREJESTRACJA
........................................................PS (od MCButelki)
W styczniu 2001 ukaze sie koncertowa plyta Rejestracji zatytulowana "LIVE". Wydawca: KOCH / Black Bottle Records. Jest to zapis koncertu
z Od Nowy z Torunia z dnia 15.01.2000 - grali przed UK SUBS. Goscinnie na gitarze gral Kobra z Kobranocki. Do 17 stycznia 2001 nie ukazala
sie plyta nagrana w Rzeszowie..... Lutek mimo obietnic jej nie wyprodukowal. Teledysk "Swieta Wojna" nie zostal ukonczony.
W styczniu bedzie gotowy klip do utworu "Armia".....................................................
Author: Jacek Kozak
Translation: Michal Chawraj