sUntANniNg, tHe bEaCh tHE sUn tHe sEa~ eNjoYinG viEwinG tHe sTaRs aT nitE bY tHe bEaCh~ meEtinG ppLs aNd getTinG tO knOw thEm~ rElAxiNg iN cAfEs 'n' chiLL ouT plAcEs, wAtChiNg mOviEs~ sUrFinG nEt~ bBaLL~ LiStEniNg tO pErFeCt 10 anD pOweR 98 FM n aLsO 93.3 toO~ liStEn niCE sonGs~ liStEnIng tO sONgS thAt hAvE mEaNinGfUL & niCe & lyRicS~ chAtTinG aNd hAnGinG oUt wiTh fRiEnDs~!~!
aNyOnE wHo aRe frIeNdLy, cHeErfUl, oUt-gOiNg , dO thiNGs tHAt siMiLaR wIF mE aReweLcOmEd.."n" freNzS tHaT i lOst tOuCh wiTh aND tHOsE wHO waNT tO meEt oUT.. =@ wAnNa mAke fReZwIF mE.. dO aDd mE aT mSn anD fRiEnDsTeR at [email protected].. =X
aLL oF jAy zHoU's soNgS~ seNtiMentAL cHiNeSe aND eNgLiSh sOngS~ sOnGs bY sHaYnE wArD, lIFeHouSe , miChaEL buble, RoNiN - oNe mOrE mOmEnT, NeYo - So Sick, cRaIg dAviD - uNbEliEvaBLE, cAsCaDa - EVerYtiME wE touCH, hoWiE dAy - CoLLiDE, AuguStaNa - boStoN, miSsY hiGGinS - thE sPEciAL tWo, thE cAllIng - whErEvEr u wIll gO
i lOvE wAtChInG mOviEs!!! aNY moViEs wiLL dO~
gUeSs gUeSs gUesS~ sHi zI RU Kou~ tAiWaN n koReAn sHowS~ reCenTlY waTcHeD goOnG thE pRinCeSs hoUrs~ chiNeSe dRaMa sEriEs~ aNd mAnY mOrE.....
aLL soRts oF mAgAzInEs~ rEaD dAn vAncI cOde~ intEreSteD in thOse reLatiOnsHip aNd bGr boOks~