°©* kEviN *©° profile picture

°©* kEviN *©°

I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

PISCES GUYeLLoZ~!~! pIscEs gUy'S peRsONaLiTieS: ChEerFuL,oUTgOiNg,fRieNdLy.. aBoUt mE: i LikE maKiN neW fReNzS.. hMmM.. i Can Be vEry TaLkaTiVE aND cRaPpy aNd qUiEt aT tImEs toO.. =x lIkEs tO gO oUt "n" eXpLoRe aNyThInG.. cHaTTInG "n" gOinG oUt wIF mY fRenZs.. LoLz.. =p bUt soMetIMes juST wAntED tO bE aLonE aT tiMeS.. =) rEcEnTLy liKe tO gO bEaCh. sUn-tAn, pLAy bEaCh vOlleYbALL.. chILL oUT pLACEs... cOncLuSiOn : I'm jUst a nOrmAL gUy wHiCh u cAn fInd iN gUyS.. mAybE mY fReNzS wHo kNoW mE bEttEr tHaN mYsELf.. fReZs aRoUNd mE sAy i aM tAlL.i can HAf tHE chAncE to sTand oUt aMonG tHe cRoWd. wElL i Am qUiTe vAiN anD treNdy and fAshIoNaBle. cHanGeD a fEw cOlouRs oN my hAir bEfOrE. noW shoRt sPikY hAiR le... like to eAt fOoD rEcEntlY anD esPecIaLLy cHocOlAte aNd sNaCks 'n' swEets.. hEe... =

My Interests

sUntANniNg, tHe bEaCh tHE sUn tHe sEa~ eNjoYinG viEwinG tHe sTaRs aT nitE bY tHe bEaCh~ meEtinG ppLs aNd getTinG tO knOw thEm~ rElAxiNg iN cAfEs 'n' chiLL ouT plAcEs, wAtChiNg mOviEs~ sUrFinG nEt~ bBaLL~ LiStEniNg tO pErFeCt 10 anD pOweR 98 FM n aLsO 93.3 toO~ liStEn niCE sonGs~ liStEnIng tO sONgS thAt hAvE mEaNinGfUL & niCe & lyRicS~ chAtTinG aNd hAnGinG oUt wiTh fRiEnDs~!~!

I'd like to meet:

aNyOnE wHo aRe frIeNdLy, cHeErfUl, oUt-gOiNg , dO thiNGs tHAt siMiLaR wIF mE aReweLcOmEd.."n" freNzS tHaT i lOst tOuCh wiTh aND tHOsE wHO waNT tO meEt oUT.. =@ wAnNa mAke fReZwIF mE.. dO aDd mE aT mSn anD fRiEnDsTeR at [email protected].. =X


aLL oF jAy zHoU's soNgS~ seNtiMentAL cHiNeSe aND eNgLiSh sOngS~ sOnGs bY sHaYnE wArD, lIFeHouSe , miChaEL buble, RoNiN - oNe mOrE mOmEnT, NeYo - So Sick, cRaIg dAviD - uNbEliEvaBLE, cAsCaDa - EVerYtiME wE touCH, hoWiE dAy - CoLLiDE, AuguStaNa - boStoN, miSsY hiGGinS - thE sPEciAL tWo, thE cAllIng - whErEvEr u wIll gO


i lOvE wAtChInG mOviEs!!! aNY moViEs wiLL dO~


gUeSs gUeSs gUesS~ sHi zI RU Kou~ tAiWaN n koReAn sHowS~ reCenTlY waTcHeD goOnG thE pRinCeSs hoUrs~ chiNeSe dRaMa sEriEs~ aNd mAnY mOrE.....


aLL soRts oF mAgAzInEs~ rEaD dAn vAncI cOde~ intEreSteD in thOse reLatiOnsHip aNd bGr boOks~

My Blog

stop blogging le

hihi guys.. i gotta stop blogging here le.. shift to blogspot.com there. if u wanna know my blog add. do find me or pm me to ask for it. thxs.... cheers!!!
Posted by °©* kEviN *©° on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 08:36:00 PST

1st day cny

hihi. just finish watch tv. just nw back home ard 9 plus. before that was at grandma hse. had great time and fellowship there. took family foto and the whole big family photo too. as usual dinner ever...
Posted by °©* kEviN *©° on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 07:11:00 PST

cny mood

hihi. happy new year everyone!!!!!!!! wake up quite early to prepare things, and then wait for my relatives to come my hse. quite tired. gg to be a long day. well is a day of reunion of close ones, gr...
Posted by °©* kEviN *©° on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 05:03:00 PST

cny eve

hihi. home alone. family went wif relatives to watch fireworks or go chinatown. me stay at home cos gotta rest and the place will be smoky and alot of ppls thus will affect my eyes. hai so bored and s...
Posted by °©* kEviN *©° on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 06:25:00 PST


hihi. i just blog a while. today not bad. stayed at home rest. wake up late morning to work work. house work. still haf last min ' da shao zhu' to do. so tired and bored. now gg to rest first. tonight...
Posted by °©* kEviN *©° on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 01:01:00 PST

happy and tired day!!!

hihi. just managed finish supper/dinner and bath. today nt bad. sleep until late morning. afternoon appointment at nuh to see my eye specialist. my condition gg better le. praise the lord for that. my...
Posted by °©* kEviN *©° on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 09:21:00 PST

my first time blog

oh no just now i blog very long but i try to post it everything gone.. aiya should copy and paste first. sob.. anyway first time blog here. make it short cos my hands tired le. just now i type very l...
Posted by °©* kEviN *©° on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 12:35:00 PST