Arne Kopfermann - new German album out now!!! profile picture

Arne Kopfermann - new German album out now!!!

Official Page - Worship Rock from Germany

About Me

..undefined EPK Arne Kopfermann - Geheimnisvoller Gott
ler Gott"Meinem Profil hinzufügen | Mehr Videos
undefined Arne Kopfermann "Welcome to my myspace site"
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undefined Arne Kopfermann "Willkommen auf meiner MySpace Seite"
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undefined Arne Kopfermann Song "Fliegen" unplugged
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undefined Statement Arne Kopfermann Song Fliegen
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undefined Band Statements Geheimnisvol ler Gott
ler Gott"Meinem Profil hinzufügen | Mehr Videos
undefined Arne Kopfermann Statement zu Ostern
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undefined Statement Arne Kopfermann Song Geheimnisvol ler Gott
ler Gott"Meinem Profil hinzufügen | Mehr Videos
undefined Statement Arne Kopfermann Song Breite Deine Flügel aus
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undefined Statement Arne Kopfermann Song Der Herr ist groß
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undefined Ichthys Worship Night Trailer
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PLEASE ORDER MY CD "WITH ALL MY HEART" at by clicking on the banner above (Email: [email protected]) for $ 12,99
You can also download the album in all iTunes Stores worldwide and on many other download plattforms !!!!

I was born in 1967 and raised as one of two sons in a pastors family. Music always played an important role in my life, as my mother was a professional soprano involved in church music. My older brother soon proved to be a very gifted musician, becoming an extraordinary piano player who introduced me to the music of the Beatles and other Rockn Roll legends.
At the age of seven I started to play the violin as well as singing in a classical church choir. Since my main interest was not in classical music, at the age of twelve I exchanged the violin for the guitar, which has been my major instrument ever since. Shortly before that, I had made my commitment to become a Christian in my fathers church, which in the following years experienced a local revival in the inner city of Hamburg, a beautiful Northern German musical capitol. A protestant state church in fact, gathering in an old cathedral with more than 1.000 years of history, but involved in the charismatic movement and offering services that soon drew people from a 100 km radius.
A few years later church attendance had grown from 200+ to more than a thousand, and I was involved in the worship ministry, soon starting to write my own worship songs. More than five hundred songs followed over the next twenty years.
At the age of 16, my family and I visited Bethany Fellowship in England and were overwhelmed by the vibrant worship in the congregation, that felt like heaven. There the dream was born to carry the spirit of worship back to Germany and the whole movement. After finishing high school and following a call into full time ministry, I worked in a mission company for a year. Shortly after, for 4 months I travelled all across the USA, aiming to explore the worship culture in the churches of the Vineyard movement and searching for ways to live out my own calling.
A few years later - together with my bride-to-be Anja - I would return to the States for 6 months to study at the University Of The Nations from Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Kona/Hawaii. This is where I had my initial contact with the Integrity label, participating as a singer in the studio recording of American worship veteran Bob Fitts.
In 1990 my first worship album was released in Germany. Twelve more would follow over the next sixteen years. At the age of 20, I was hired to lead worship at a new church plant in Hamburg. A few years later I left the job to study sociology, theology and pop music at universities in Hamburg and Frankfurt, always being on the road at the same time to teach on worship conferences and seminars and to lead worship and play concerts.
Altogether I played more than 1.500 concerts, seminars, conferences, Sunday services and other ministry related events. Travelling on the wings of worship has brought me to Japan, the USA, France, Belgium, Holland, England, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden ever since, sharing stage with the likes of Michael W. Smith, Paul Colman, Graham Kendrick, Noel Richards, Tim Hughes, Matt Redman, Reuben Morgan, Brian Doerksen, David Ruis, delirious?, Tom Lane, Rebecca St. James, Newsboys, Yfriday, Larry Norman, Glenn Kaiser, Kutless, Bethany Dillon, Sarah Kelly, Lothar Kosse, Albert Frey or Norm Strauss, just to mention a few.
In 1994 my first worship album of European format was released, when Steve Thompson, producer and musical director of English worship pioneer Graham Kendrick, agreed to produce my album in England.
In 1997 I started to get involved in music production myself, co-producing with secular and popular German guitarist Uli Kringler, who three years later became a Christian on a worship tour, that took my worship band and a few other fellow worship artists to 10 cities all across the country in 2000. The year before I had accepted the job as Head of A&R and house producer for Pop & Praise and Worship in what soon would become Germanys leading Christian record company, Gerth Media. Besides signing artists and overseeing international distribution, I continued to produce worship albums for the label, being signed there as an artist myself. I have produced thirty CDs so far, working with dozens of national and international top notch musicians. Especially the series In Love with Jesus was a major influence in an emerging young German worship culture in the last years.
With a musical variety from Rock to Pop, Jazz and Chillout as a producer, I have always tried to stay faithful to an eclectic mix of rock and singer/songwriter elements in my own worship recordings, loving the musical likes of Sting, U2, Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman just to mention a few - but trying not to copy their style.
Being an educated songwriter for more than 25 years, who later became an experienced arranger and studio owner, my major focus and heart emphasis remains to educate, equip and resource the worshipping church with music that is intimate and passionate in nature and will bridge the gap to an ever changing church in post modern times. In recent recordings one dominant theme is the beauty of creation as an expression of Gods unchanging creativity, beauty and greatness.
We need to learn afresh to marvel at and stand in awe of the wonders of His hands. In the worshipping church today, God is sometimes portrayed more a buddy from next door then the Almighty and ever present God. To love God with all your heart means to stand in awe of him or ly prostrate at the same time. There is no need to be afraid of God, but that doesnt mean we should not fear him, or treat him like the guy from next door. Worship him with your whole heart, your full devotion and your entire life, and if necessary, use music
Together with my band, a community of six close friends, who are heartfelt worshippers and very experienced in educating musicians, I love to travel all around to equip and challenge churches - to rediscover and profess their first love for an unchanging God. As part of this endeavour we are frequent teachers in the Worship Academy in the Black Forest in Germany - a school that is educating more then 2.500 German and Swiss church musicians in worship related areas.
With my wife Anja and our young children Tim and Sara, I live in the centre of Germany near Frankfurt. Involved in a local Foursquare church there for almost twelve years now, I have established a regional worship event called Ichthys Worship Night, that six times a year is drawing a couple of hundred worshippers for an evening of praise and adoration. Though being the initiator and visionary, I try to continue to invest in emerging local worship artists, giving them a platform to grow into their calling, while together with pastor Jens Mankel securing the overall vision and direction.
It is my conviction that it..s not healthy to be a worship artist on the road, who visits a church for a couple of hours and leaves before anybody can even get to know him personally. You can only do that if you are at the same time involved in a local church. That is were you live and learn on a weekly basis. This is the place that will give your ministry credibility and authority.
Worship always needs to be an expression of faith, that transfers into society, if it does not want to become shallow. We need to take Jesus serious and be to the least of these what we are called to be unto him. You cant love God and not care for the ones in need. On the other hand our love for each other will feed our overt love for God!
All the mentioned activities have led me to eventually cutting down severe hours in the record company and giving away some responsibilities there. Change was due for January 2007.
It is wonderful to be involved in the Christian music industry. It helps significantly to spread the Good News in a modern and relevant universal language. But I need to be true to my calling first. A worship leader has the responsibility of being a Levite. He needs time to discover God and translate eternal truth into songs and words that will last and help worshippers to express their hearts in adoration. I can do a lot of things but miss out on what is most important. So the more gifted you are the more focus you need. And I cannot recall a season in twenty six years of being a Christian, where God has spoken to me so clearly and distinctly I have no choice but to follow where he leads. This is very exciting and yet a little frightening. But I rather want to walk a road that I do not know, than miss out on His well designed plan for my life. And I cannot wait to be on the road again more frequently to equip the saints for passionate and sincere worship of the living God.
Ministry opportunities include worship seminars, both on theology and musical skills, worship nights, leading worship on conferences and church retreats, worship ministry including teaching in church services etc. Being able to travel alone as well as accompanied by a 2-, 3-, 4- or 6-piece band suits different group seizes and financial budgets.
As a guitarist, I endorse Taylor acoustic guitars, Hiwatt amps and Elixir Strings. Check those products out, they are all A class!!!
Beside my musical duties, I..m one of two German musical ambassadors for WORLD VISION, an organization that helps millions of underprivileged people and especially children in the poorer regions of this planet.
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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .

My Interests


Member Since: 9/6/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Arne Kopfermann - lead vocals, guitars
Klaus Bittner - guitars, MD
Alexander Gaiswinkler - keyboards, backing vocals
Alex Lauer - bass, backing vocals
Katrin Lauer - lead & backing vocals
Eckhard Jung - drums

Influences: Sting, Bryan Adams, Switchfoot, Coldplay, Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Jonatha Brooke, Steven Curtis Chapman, Paul Colman, Shawn Colvin, Marc Cohn, Bruce Hornsby, Amy Grant, John Leventhal, Larry Carlton, Toto, Sarah McLachlan, John Farnham, delirious?, Amanda Marshall.
Sounds Like: me

Record Label: Gerth Medien, Germany (
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Interview in der CINA vom 24.4.08

..TR> Geheimnisvoller Gott "Du sollst dir kein Bildnis von Gott machen!" ist vielleicht das Gebot, das am meisten übertreten wird - zumindest unbewusst. Menschen brauchen Sicherheiten und da liegt...
Posted by Arne Kopfermann - new German album out now!!! on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:36:00 PST

in memoriam Larry Norman - Nachruf Larry Norman

In the last 40 years Larry Norman was one of the most influential and remarkable pioneers of christian rock music of our time. He was edgy and straight, never running with the stream, no advocate of t...
Posted by Arne Kopfermann - new German album out now!!! on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:50:00 PST

Songandacht zum Song Gott, der Allmächtige

Schon vor Anbeginn der Zeit füllte Deine HerrlichkeitDas ganze All, den Himmelssaal Reiner als das Sonnenlicht strahlt seit je Dein Angesicht Unendlich schön anzusehen Und weil Du das Leben schufst St...
Posted by Arne Kopfermann - new German album out now!!! on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 09:58:00 PST

Ein leidenschaftliches Plädoyer für eine deutsche Lobpreiskultur

Ich weiß nicht, ob es in der Kirchengeschichte jemals eine Zeit gegeben hat, in der weltweit so viele Lobpreis- und Anbetungslieder geschrieben worden sind wie in den letzten 15 Jahren. Konfessions- u...
Posted by Arne Kopfermann - new German album out now!!! on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 11:06:00 PST

Rejected for leading worship?

If you come to worship Jesus in ministry and people reject you: How do you persevere in humiliation and suffering? Well, it happened to me before. Quite frankly, it happened a lot of times throughout...
Posted by Arne Kopfermann - new German album out now!!! on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 01:57:00 PST

A little poetry ...

THE GIFT   It's a gift - priceless, but for free You don't deserve it, you can just receive it You can't pay for it, but there will be a time When you want to give away All you have, all you are...
Posted by Arne Kopfermann - new German album out now!!! on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:43:00 PST

Diversity in worship

Right now I am in the process of laying finishing touches on 2 German worship CD productions . One  of them sounds like a mixture of Motown and Buena Vista Social Club, and is so much fun to...
Posted by Arne Kopfermann - new German album out now!!! on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 02:12:00 PST

A sacrifice of praise?

Every worship leader experiences times on stage and in his private walk with God when leading worship does not come easy; when all he does seems to be driven by will power rather than inspiration, and...
Posted by Arne Kopfermann - new German album out now!!! on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:37:00 PST

10 musts for worship leaders

1. Worship God, and if neccessary use music ... 2. That is a good leader, that imparts his gift in other people empowering them to be even better than I am... 3. Be prepared so well, as if You did not...
Posted by Arne Kopfermann - new German album out now!!! on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 11:54:00 PST

Offen gesagt 2

... die schönste Art zu entspannen: ... ein Cluburlaub am Meer mit reichlich Schlaf, Essen, Schwimmen, Beach-Volleyball, Tennis und Lesen satt, gern auch mal ohne "die kleinen Racker" und nur mit mei...
Posted by Arne Kopfermann - new German album out now!!! on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 06:13:00 PST