Music,Dancing,Chatting,Sleeping,EaTinG VeRy SlowLy...Daydreaming...AcT ( sTuPiD, fOoLiSh, CoOl aNd EtC.), SiNgInG, PhOtOgRaPhY,Aikido, Make-up,Cars,Red Wine,Champagne,clothings,Shopping,Playing musical i don't really know...Favourite Brand: Christian Dior,Alexander McQueen,Louis Vuitton,Gucci Envy me(Perfume),ESP guitarsDream Car(s) : Ferrari 360 modena, Lexus RX300 and the more the merrier...haha...Who don't love cars??? LOL...New~ Lexus GS300,Lamborghini,Fairlady~
AnYoNe As LoNg As Is HuMaN cAn Le..! hEeHeE...
All music esp.JROCK..Chinese Pop...Love Ballad...Jpop...
Death Note 1
Princess Hour,It started with a kiss...meteor garden I
Shopaholic, any cute
Which member of gazette would love you?
Uruha would love you~! you are original and oderly. (right? - -;)
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