I love to cook. My style is "northern soul" (basic meat and potatoes). My signature dish is either my ribs, or my egg noodles. Either in excess will propel you directly into the nearest cardiac unit.
My only non-musical hobbie right now is working on my car. I have a small black Nissan with a very large engine. I've been doing some modifications, lately. Nothing drastic, just a little bit of tuning and some very subtle bling.
Looking for Fairview High School students (Dayton, Ohio). I was in the last graduated class.
North Riverdale Little League.
Dayton River Festival.
I dig live music.
I'd like to meet:
Ringo. He seems like a cool guy. I'd love to have come by the house for dinner one night. Maybe we'd go into town later and see a couple of bands.
I try to bring you only the best in videos on THIS side of my profile.
First is Jim Stafford. Most known for his comic diddies, here he is showboating his actual guitar skill on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.
Next is "Meet Pete Harris".
One of his friends put this together for him as an added bonus for a promo pack. Yeah, that's me playing on the backing track from a few years ago. Great shots of Pete and his backyard in Micco, FL. I'm really going to miss him.
Last on the list is my actual band The Funkabilly Playboys. This was a from a show we did at The Bamboo Room in Lake Worth, Florida. It was August 25th, 2007. This was one week after my first chemo treatment.
I'm not much for commercial music.
Most of the radio rock bands start to sound the same to me. I'm very tired of guitarists playing chords without a solo. I'm tired of bands with cheap hooks. The hook should be a melody. Not a full rest with a spoken/screamed/cookie-monster vocal line.
The Foo Fighters interest me. I haven't purchased any of their albums for myself, but they bring a fresh flavor to an old genre.
I like Bowling for Soup, as well. They're like a big pile of cotton candy to my ear. And I like the idea of having a 300lb, bald guitarist on MTV.
I was really impressed by a touring band last year. My friends and I went to their show just because of their name, and we were blown away. Dont laugh: Alabama Thunderpussy. Holy crap, they were great. I hate to try and pigeonhole a band, but theyre kind of a cross between Black Sabbath and The Allman Brothers. They are truly impressive players with a great sound.
I really like going out to see my friends play, locally. My band's been working pretty hard lately, so I really like being on the other side of the proscenium for a change.
Locally, I like: Scott Avery, The Nucklebusters, The Dillengers, The Neto Funk Allstars, Cutback Surf Band, The Shack Daddys, The Too Easy Band, Breeze, Hot Brass Monkey and The Groove Thangs (whenever they show up to town).
Oh, and the greatest band on the planet: The Funkabilly Playboys. http://www.funkabillyplayboys.com
And I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Rooster Head. I miss Pete Moss and Michael Kennedy.
(Added to be preachy 9/4/2007)
With anything new in our lives, we recognize or try to recognize the same in others. We gravitate most toward people most like us. If you're on vacation, and you see someone with a familiar t-shirt (Hog's Breath, Ron Jon, Spoon Benders, etc.), you're more likely to strike up a conversation with that person than the guy with the "I'm with stupid!" shirt.
With my leukemia, at first, I tried to recognize anyone with my same disease, but I couldn't. CLL is usually an "old man's" disease. I rarely hits guys my age. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society even had a hard time just finding someone to talk with me on the phone as a one-on-one support group. (They have a GREAT local support group, but not for CLL guys in my age bracket.)
The funny thing is, while searching through the LLS website, I discovered not one but TWO celebrities rumored to have CLL. They were Ed Bradley (from 60 Minutes) and late night talk show host Tom Snyder.
The unfortunate part is that while each put out a press release about their disease, neither was willing to pick up a torch and light the way for anyone else. They each sequestered themselves away during their treatments and shunned the idea of being an identity for this disease.
This is where Mike Peters comes in.
Mike is the lead singer of a mid-80's (and beyond) rock band from Wales named The Alarm. You'll see them more often in my top friends list.
Mike is now 47-48 and just completed his first treatment for CLL. He is, so far, not only the sole fortysomething guy I know with CLL, he's leading the charge to raise money for research and to help defray the costs of treatment for patients in countries without universal health care.
Mike actually shot a documentary on his "Road to Recovery" and I'm trying to find a copy.
Below is a short clip about his fund raising organization called "Faith, Hope, Love". The words are plucked from an Alarm song, and I think they work well. Some of the video below is from the documentary and other clips promote the events put on by the organization to climb mountains around the world with some of Mike's rock star friends. Enjoy.
Streets Of Fire. Simply the best movie EVER!
If you have about 6.5 minutes, you can see lots of stuff in this intro. Rick Moranis swears, then gets thrown across the stage (head first), Bill Paxton gets knocked out by Lee Ving of the band Fear, and take a look at Diane Lane when she was 21. Did I mention Willem Dafoe?
We haven't even gotten to the butterfly knife scene, or Ed Begley, Jr. as a homeless guy!
Did I tell you Robert Townsend is in this, too?
Oh, and the music is supplied by Ry Cooder and Jim Steinman.
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Mostly Discovery/History/TLC/Speed/Travel.
I hate what MTV has become. Were they afraid of going out of business, so they thought they'd air the crappiest shows on television?
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Such a waste of airtime. Remember when Music Television used to televise music?
I really feel sorry for Kurt Loder. He must really need the health insurance.
Most of my reading is tech manuals.
When I have to read something else, I read Carl Hiaasen. I think his books are good for the soul.
I'm not much for heroes. My self-esteem doesn't allow it.