I was just looking at my profile and realized how out of date it was and seeing how I had some time on my hands that I should update it. You might ask why I have time on my hands, and I'd have to tell you that it's because I got selected for my company's resource action. That's the politically correct way of saying I was canned along with another 1200 folks. I've been out of work since the end of Feb. 2009 and am not sure what I'm gonna do now that I have to grow up. After 36+ years of working at the same place it's a little confusing as to what the next steps will be. The good news is that I'm surrounded by family and friends that are SOOOO supportive. It's nice to know there's people willing to help. More good news is that I don't really have to decide to make any more changes for a little bit, so I'm gonna take some time, unwind and continue to take pics.
Speaking of support, I've been involved in a couple fund raising events this year which I've chronicled in albums in my Photo section. It's made me proud to be part of this community. I'd like to call out a few friends that epitomize the spirit of helpfulness and that would start with Danny and Rene.. Britt, Marcia Ball, Nancy Coplin and Pam Golightly who have done so much for so many people. It's an honor to call you all friends and I love you all for what you've done!!! There were dozens and dozens of people that helped with their time, talents and financial support, thank you all!!!
Enough of the preachy stuff and in case you wanna know about me, I'm the kinda guy who always has a camera with him and there's nothing I like better than to take pictures of my friends. Fortunately, I have some great looking friends and some amazing musicians amongst them!!! I go out seven nights a week here in Austin, TX so I'm never at a loss for subjects to shoot.
I try to post at least one picture a day, so check it out and come back often. Besides you might just be in one of them.
Thanks for stopping by...........
PS. If you'd like to see more pictures of mine, go out to my website:
..> www.winkerwithaneye.com