In a nut shell the first Hydrogen2 project called “No Mountain
Necessary†is life enhancement with only positive side effects. Split
up into 3 distinct chapters, the aim is to bring the benefits of yoga
to those who do not necessarily wish to step foot on a yoga
Time is of the essence in our modern society so, to accommodate this, we have created short meditations set to words and music to take you deep within yourself. In this way you will begin to let
go of the chaotic external world for a short time, connect to yourself and, through this, be able to RELAX.
Stress is our society’s biggest killer. It leads to dis-ease from a
small scale cold to the big killers.
I would call what we do life enhancement.
Once relaxation has been achieved, many things that were previously
not possible become possible. The mind, in a relaxed state is capable
of so much more. The mind is what holds us back from exploring and
achieving our full potential. The mind keeps us locked in fear of the
unknown and can be the reason for our negative states of mind.
Hydrogen2 brings the possibility of freeing our self-made
restrictions and offers the chance to fulfil our fullest potential in
all aspects of life. The meditations are
tailored to fit into daily life (hence the
title: you don’t have to retire to a mountain)
I really hope you enjoy it and that it opens doors for you.
Hope to hear from you
Natasha x
as it is
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