Krib profile picture


About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I have been asked a few times if this is really my artwork and I can assure you it is. I drew, painted and rendered everything you see. I have used photos in some of my graphics work and all the photos I have used were taken by me, I don't use work that isn't mine. All pictures have been copyrighted. If you would like to use my work for any reason please contact me first. My work is also veiwable at although my work is more up to date on myspace.I am open for commission. I charge by the hour but to talk to me it's free so don't be shy if you wanna find out what I can do for you and how I structure prices etc just message me.

My Interests

Ultrasonic Mix

Add to My Profile | More VideosMusic video made by myself Tom Ralls (Krib) Music made by my friend Lewis Fitzjohn (D.J Allergy) Music and video copyright of me 2007. If I find you have used either without my permission I will collect your fuckin legs. Thank you. More D.J Allergy music can be found at


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