P&P - Habi Michel, song ufficiale dello spot degli europei su RTL 102.5
VIDEO PROMOTION TAGADA..Promo - P&P _ Tagadà (Footloversmusic)
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Il duo P&P si forma nel 1999 dalla fusione di due dj, Orazio Scarso nato in Germania nel 1981 e Angelo Agosta nato a Modica (RG) nel 1984.
P&P muovono i primi passi nella loro formazione artistica in molti party privati, disco pub, locali di tendenza, villaggi turistici e manifestazioni pubbliche.
I locali fondamentali per la loro formazione professionale sono:
“Art disco club Le Mirage†(2001), discoteca “Pata-pata†(2003).
Presto arrivano i primi live set all’estero.
Nel 2004 P&P si esibiscono in alcuni locali di Norimberga (Germania), il “Q-Club†e il “Cohi Barâ€.
Nel 2005 arriva la one night a Norimberga presso il “Ciao Belli†(2005).
Da questo momento in poi i due dj si dedicano alla realizzazione di progetti musicali traendo spunto dalle contaminazioni elettroniche dell’house music ispirandosi soprattutto allo stile puramente tedesco e italiano.
Particolare attenzione merita il primo remix non ufficiale di Felix da housecat – Silver screen ad opera di P&P, trasmesso a più riprese su Radio Deejay.
Nel febbraio del 2007 arriva il contratto con la Footloversmusic, etichetta di proprietà del noto Dj internazionale Joy Kitikonti.
Proprio con questa label si concretizza il progetto P&P con la prima produzione discografica del Duo:
P&P - En-joy EP, album contenente due singoli: Danger ed En-Joy Me. Il primo e’ una traccia morbida e orecchiabile di facile distribuzione commerciale e radiofonica, il secondo e’ invece un brano dal sound più duro, indicato per i club ed i dancefloor.
Recente e’ la seconda produzione discografica, promossa sempre dalla nota etichetta Footloversmusic, dal titolo P&P – Minischok Ep, album contenente altre due tracce:
Ich Liebe Muzik ed In Da House, un cocktail esplosivo fra techno minimale ed elettronica.
Ma l’attività del duo non si ferma alla sola etichetta sopra citata, nell’agosto 2007 vengono, infatti, promossi altri due brani da due nuove etichette:
edito dalla Sheeva Records, P&P – Device, singolo delicato ma minimalmente penetrante, mentre all’ Ambiguous Digital si deve la produzione della traccia P&P – Morphynax, dai tratti duri e decisi ma fortemente suggestivi..................................................
...........................................Biography English.....................................................
..........................................The P&P duo rise by the fusion of two Sicilian deejays, Orazio, born in Germany on 1981, and Angelo, born in Modica (RG) .. arriving to the formation of P&P, the two dj follow different but more similar roads.
Since they was young, the two dj make the different between their friend, because they was always ready to organize party by carry their stereo to make music and make people move and dance following their rhythm.
The passion for the music, for the single beat, always groove up; they want to manipulate the sound and to be the absolute owner of that vinyl that turning on a plate puts in motion the crowds making them move, dance, jump…
Their roads continue separated and with a sure of affirmation, until their encounter in a club where they was for work together like dj.
From that encounter, begin the musical exchange of opinions, tastes and choices that have carried to the birth of the P&P group, in the summer of 1999.
Singular is the name "adopted" from the two dj, because they haven‘t choose it, but is the fusion of the nicknames that their friends have given to them.
In fact, for their distinguished physical size, their friends called them "Palla" and "Pallina".
From their union is born the project “P&Pâ€, than beyond to dj, as we will see more ahead, it is proposed like producer.
Important for their formation turns out to be the vicinity to the world of the most important dj.
In fact, many were the travels that P&P faced to the search and vision of the several techniques and musical choices of the several dj.
Many have been the parties where P&P have observed with extreme attention the style of the several national and international dj.
A lot important in their formation turns out to be the inspiration to the dj Mauro Picotto, from which they come swept up for its style, only and brilliant, that gets them passionate.
Humility and their wishes to grow professionally, make them to pass from the numerous private parties to the numerous discotheques of the zone.
The more important are:
"Art disco club Le Mirageâ€;
"Pata Pata discoclub";
“Koala Maxiâ€;
The success of P&P begins to become more and larger and, for them, arrived their first live set to the foreign country:
in the 2004, P&P make their first exhibition in the "mega notte italiana" to Nuremberg (Germany) at "Q-Club".
A lot important and much satisfactory for P&P is to being appreciates from many people that feeling and dancing their music.
In the same period, P&P have a party in Germany at the "Cohi-Bar".
Cause of their affirmation, in 2005 P&P return to Nuremberg (Germany) in order to exhibit themselves at the "Ciao Belli Club". The electronic style diffused from them was appreciate a lot from the Italian people and not else.
From this moment, P&P are dedicated to the realization of musical plans drawing cue from the electronic contaminations of the house music, inspiring itself above all to the pure German and Italian style.
A lot important is the inspiration draft from Sven Vath, Tom Pooks, Mauro Picotto and Joy Kitikonti.
The sound that rolls fast with surrealistic groove created from the sweeping bit of the PC, from the drum machine, the syntethyzer, etc... put out of mind the two dj.
Particular attention deserves the first unofficial remix of “Felix da housecat†– “Silver screenâ€, transmitted on Radio Deejay.
In the February of 2007 arrives the contract with the Footloversmusic, label of property of the famous international dj Joy Kitikonti.
Just with this label, with the first record production of the two dj, the project P&P is realized:
P&P - En-joy EP, album containing two single: Danger and En-Joy Me. The first one is a soft track and is easy to be trade in radio; instead, the second is a track from the harder sound, indicated for the clubs and the dancefloor.
Recent is the second record production, always promoted from the famous Footloversmusic label, named P&P - Minischok Ep; album containing others two tracks: Ich Liebe Muzik and In Da House, an explosive cocktail between techno, minimal and electronic.
The activity of the group does not stop at the cited label over.
In fact, in August 2007, come others two tracks promoted from two new labels: published from the Sheeva Records, P&P - Device, single delicate but very minimal;
the Ambiguous Digital makes the production of the track P&P - Morphynax, from the hard features but strongly evocative.
The way of P&P does not stop, and always continues without any pause or yield.
Stay tuned.