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Too Late For Stardom...?

About Me

Currently residing in Wausau, Wisconsin, Rico Jaeger's musical background is both varied and diverse. In performing bands since the age of 12, his main instruments are guitar and voice, however he can also play drums, bass, piano and violin. His high school band X-FACTOR (1981 - 83) launched his bar band days, fueled by his quest to learn as much possible by listening to his personal hero, Edward Van Halen. ROULETTE (mark I, 1984 - 87) came next, furthering his play area, experience and diversity in covering everything from Duran, Duran to Ratt to Loverboy. Then came ROULETTE (mark II, 1987 - 92) a nationally touring mixed-gender band based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota and performing more than 300 dates / year at high-end hotel chains, large dance clubs, colleges and as opening act for high profile national acts. Coming off the road, he sang opera for a bit, putting his Bachelor of Music degree to good use - both in the US and Europe, then accepted a position in the Wausau Public School district as a High School Choral Director. His next band, SHADOWLANDS (1996 - 99) went back to his roots of 80's rock, and his current band AREA 51 (2001 - present) covers a little bit of 70's, 80's, 90's and current rock. The songs featured on this page were all written / arranged / recorded / produced by Rico, who played all instruments and did all vocal tracks single-handedly. Please stop by again for further updates and an exciteing new project underway...! NOTE: I CREATED THIS PAGE BECAUSE I HAVE A LOT TO SAY TO THE WORLD!! I've been through much - orbital high's and sub-oceanic lows - and I've learned. I've learned what's important, what's rare and precious, and what's BS. Tune in frequently for my thoughts expressed both in song and random writings. You can read it and then you can laugh, say "hmm" or learn from it. Whatever path you choose, blessings, peace, wisdom and love (...if you're truly lucky enough to find it...) in '07. ***HEY! It's AIRSHOW season! How are my brothers of the 64th Tactical Aggressor Squadron? Watch your 6! JESTER'S gonna take you DOWN!

My Interests


Member Since: 1/28/2007
Band Members:
Myspace Layouts
Influences: Van Halen, Dan Reed Network, Stabbing Westward, Saliva
Sounds Like: ...myself!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


I feel lucky to be me today. I have family and friends. I have what seems to be devine intervention guiding myself and my relationship. I have a performance to look forward to where I'll be able to dr...
Posted by Rico on Fri, 04 May 2007 08:46:00 PST

I Am Humbled...

Last weekend at Coral Lanes was an amazing experience. There were so many of you that came out to support the FIVE ONE. It was a beautiful thing...speaking of beautiful, thanks to Brit for making BOTH...
Posted by Rico on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 08:42:00 PST

I'll Wait...

Now I've undertaken some monumental endeavors in the past. Some came to fruition, others didn't last. But as I suRvey the road behind, looking around, There's one commonAliTy I believe I've ...
Posted by Rico on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 05:36:00 PST

A New Perspective...

Is love a weapon, like a gun or a knife? Is it the executioner, come to take away life? Like an approaching storm, you run for cover. But are you running from the rain? Or running from a lover? Lighte...
Posted by Rico on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 02:21:00 PST


What did you see when they looked at me? Those eyes so miraculous, as they pulled at me. The voice that soothed, the words that smoothed, A stranger becomes a friend, then a stranger once again. They ...
Posted by Rico on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 11:21:00 PST

The Roof

As I climb, All I find, Is yet another locked door. You're not there, Out there somewhere, Not like before. So out the window, To the fire escape I go. And climb to the roof. But the roof's not there,...
Posted by Rico on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 11:05:00 PST

When Worlds Colloide...

I must admit, I just don't understand the world anymore. I have never experienced a colder week than this past one - and I'm not even talking about the arctic weather. When I feel this low, it's a nat...
Posted by Rico on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 10:42:00 PST

A Work In Progress...

(D) I know you're hiding something, I know you've got something to hide. (D) I know you're out to get me, even though you say you're on my side. (C) You're just like everyone else I've met. (C) Only o...
Posted by Rico on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 08:56:00 PST