bass, circus skills, jive, comics, rpgs, toilet graffiti, writing, cake, zombies!!!, killer bunnies, retro cars, psychology, DJing, PC building, did i say music?...
People who are one in a million. Also new imaginative & creative music, the new Sleater Kinney, is it you Vile Vile Creatures ? Or The Rayographs could it be you? Or will it be The Mary Timony Band that picks up the baton? Or is it Origami ?
check my friends list & blogs if you want to know what music i like or see me DJ sometime eh?
Waking Life, A Scanner Darkly, Mullholland Drive, Ghost World, The Cube, The Virgin Suicides, Blade, Nowhere, Chuck & Buck, Blade Runner, Aliens, Labyrinth, Donnie Darko, Hammer Horror, My Summer of Love, Battle Royale, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Lost In Translation, Pi, Russ Meyer, Heathers, City of Lost Children, Goodbye Lenin!
BBC 3, Heroes, Hex, Brat Camp, Daria, Twin Peaks, Monster Garage, Big Brother, Sugar Rush, Wife Swap, Spooks, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Question Time, Any comedy with someone in it what is from Mighty Boosch
Gibson, Cadigan, Brite, Stephenson, Winterson, Gaiman, Stross
Daniel 'The Kingsnake' Jeanrenaud