Prophetess Queen Esther profile picture

Prophetess Queen Esther

I was born for this: Proclaiming the good news of the King and His Kingdom! (Official website: www.m

About Me

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Prophetess Queen Esther is a gift to the Body of Christ! She is a writer, poet, author, licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is committed to seizing every opportunity to communicate God's word in any venue, and to publish it through every medium as commissioned by the LORD GOD. She was born and positioned in the Kingdom for such a time as this to proclaim the good news of the King and His Kingdom.
In 1994, she heard the voice of God clearly, "I am sending you forth to carry My Word." She finally surrendered her will and answered, "Yes, Lord." Completely YES!
She always enjoyed literature as teenager. However, her passion for inspirational writing began in 1984, two years after she made the decision to commit her life to Christ. It was during the time of diligently seeking the will and purpose of God for her life.
She began writing poetry under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In the early 90’s, her writing ministry expanded to include articles, essays, and newsletters with a prophetic tone; personal greetings, short stories, and speeches. Today, she writes inspired personal prophetic blessings upon children and adults, as well as poems with a personal touch for specific individuals as inspired by the Holy Spirit.
In 1996, she founded Majestic Publications, and in 1997, self-published her first book, My Heart Speaks on the Cost of Commitment: A Collection of Poems. Her second book (in electronic format) is Letters from Heart to Heart, which has evolved into series for print publication.
Prophetess Queen Esther has served in her local church for 23 years under the leadership of spiritual father, senior pastor C. L. Stevenson. She has served in several areas of ministry, which includes conducting community workshops, and conferences. Presently, she is pastor of Women’s Ministry, and assistant to the senior pastor.
She has earned the respect as being a "pillar" in the house of God by remaining steadfast and abounding in the work of the Lord (the place where He sent her 25 years ago). Her stability, humility, commitment and faithfulness in service, during transitions inspire many as they witness the favor and anointing of God upon her life.
She is a Spirit-led writer, prophetic scribe and intercessor. Prophetess Queen Esther is a threat to the kingdom of darkness through spiritual warfare and prophetic praise and worship. She is an anointed Bible teacher, an inspired preacher and a gifted orator.
She is also an “on-line” mentor for Campus Crusade for Christ,Canada. She proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ without compromise under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and carries a powerful "breakthrough" word from the Lord.

My Interests

#1 "Publishing and Proclaiming the Good News of the KING and His Kingdom!Other interests include:Writing, reading, teaching, preaching, motivational speaking, photography, furniture restoration


Gospel, contemporary Christian, Smooth jazz


Passion of the Christ, The Color Purple, Remember the Titans, Coach Carter, Madea's Family Reunion, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, The Manchurian Candidate, Under Seige, (Any movies with Denzel Washington and Steven Segal.


Christian TV, CNN, HGTV, The Unit, Ghost Whispers, TVLand Oldies, The Beverly Hillbillies, Little House,on the Prairie, Criminal Minds, CSI, NCIS


The Bible, Democracy Matters, The Great Investment, God's Leading Lady, Praying with Authority, Prophetic Intercession, One Prayer Away (Christian fiction), Journey to the Well, Fresh Fire, Walking in your Destiny, The Threshing Floor (This is a very short list of many)


(ONLY 1)Jesus Christ of Nazareth

My Blog

Letter to the Unforgiving Heart

Dear Heart, After experiencing the hurts, disappointments and frustrations of life, I do understand the difficulty you have trying to forgive someone who hurt you so badly. And yes, I know it seems im...
Posted by Queen E. Phillips on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 10:41:00 PST


  Dear Heart, I'm writing to express sentiments to a loving heart.  Today is Valentine's Day...a day of love.  I do pray you've had a lovely day, and that you have taken advan...
Posted by Queen E. Phillips on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:32:00 PST

Letter to a "Spaced-Out" Heart

Dear Heart, I'm writing to you because I'm certain you can't believe this has happened.  I can't imagine what you were feeling when you blasted out of the sane zone and acted out of characte...
Posted by Queen E. Phillips on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 10:04:00 PST


Dear Heart, I'm writing you today because I know you're hurting; and with Valentine's Day fastly approaching, the pain will probably intensify.  If you're not careful, the commercializa...
Posted by Queen E. Phillips on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 08:10:00 PST


Dear Heart,   How are you doing today?  Angry?  Why are you angry? What happened that made you so mad that you are cloth in anger?  These are questions to ask yourself so that you ...
Posted by Queen E. Phillips on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 11:55:00 PST

Letter to the Grateful Heart

Dear Heart, I'm writing you to encourage you because you have set an example for so many others by being grateful.  Why do I say this?  Because we're are living in a time when there are so m...
Posted by Queen E. Phillips on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 12:48:00 PST

Letter to the Joyful Heart

Dear Heart, Wow!  I'm so excited for you today.  It was an overwhelming day of worship for you, I pray.  Hopefully, you attended worship at your local church and had a wonderful experie...
Posted by Queen E. Phillips on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:12:00 PST

Letter to the Grieving Heart

Dear Heart, I pray that this letter will in some way bring comfort to you during your grieving process.  Believe me; I know what it's like to feel the pain of separation from someone you lov...
Posted by Queen E. Phillips on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:00:00 PST

It's all about character

I love Thursdays!  It's bible study night at my local church.  And I can always expect to hear something that's will enhance my Christian walk of faith. Tonight's lesson was about persistenc...
Posted by Queen E. Phillips on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 11:44:00 PST