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Magus Satanchia

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Hail Satan...

For what wisdom has granted me. to indulge in another's flesh, to intoxicate my emotions, with pure enjoyment, and for the freedom, to love or hate whoever I desire Hail Satan... Many people whose only exposure to Satanism has been through hysterical talk-shows, Hollywood hype, Christian-Xian) and other white-light religions propaganda assume that Satanism is an international criminal conspiracy, killing animals, sacrificing babies, burning down churches. In reality Satanism is a system of thought based on rational self-interest, sensual indulgence and the constructive use of alienation. Satan as a representative, a literary metaphor for the ultimate rebel, the alienated anti-hero who revels in his beastly/fleshy instincts yet always remains the gentleman. The philosophy of being strong, creative, natural has always been the enemy of slave-religions such as, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and so forth. No wonder the false stories about ritual-murder are the front-pages in tabloids. Many people believe that Satanism is a rearview-mirror of Christianity, only to serve as a blasphemy, and attack at the Christian church. The truth is that the philosophies and rituals employed in Satanism is far more ancient and older then those in the Christian church. There has always been a name for the "darkside" in nature, and never have those who call themselves scientist's been interested in exploring the unknown, the unknown which Dr. LaVey have made known. And if anyone gets worried about people reading this or "diabolical" books or any other information about Satanism should realize this: A Satanist is born, not made!


The Nine Satanic S ins

For years, people have asked Church of Satan representatives, "Well, okay - your philosophy is based on indulgence of human instincts but do you have sins like any other religion?" Our answer has always been "No". But the time has come to amend that response. We have grown steadily over the past 21 years and find that it is appropriate to have some clear guidelines on, not only what we strive for,but also what we work to avoid - what we disapprove of. The difference is where other religions develop sins that people can't avoid, we consider a number of things "sinful" that people could avoid if they worked a little.

The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid.

Empty posturing can be most irritating and isn't applying the cardinal rules of Lesser Magic. On equal footing with stupidity for what keeps the money in circulation these days. Everyone's made to feel like a big shot, whether they can come up with the goods or not.

Can be very dangerous for Satanists. Projecting your reactions, responses and sensibilities onto someone who is probably far less attuned than you are. It is the mistake of expecting people to give you the same consideration, courtesy and respect that you naturally give them. They won't. Instead, Satanists must strive to apply the dictum of "Do unto others as they do unto you." It's work for most of us and requires constant vigilance lest you slip into a comfortable illusion of everyone being like you. As has been said, certain utopias would be ideal in a nation of philosophers, but unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, from a Machiavellian standpoint) we are far from that point.

It's in the Nine Satanic Statements but deserves to be repeated here. Another cardinal sin. We must not pay homage to any of the sacred cows presented to us, including the roles we are expected to play ourselves. The only time self-deceit should be entered into is when it's fun, and with awareness. But then, it's not self-deceit!

Herd Conformity
That's obvious from a Satanic stance. It's all right to conform to a person's wishes, if it ultimately benefits you. But only fools follow along with the herd, letting an impersonal entity dictate to you. The key is to choose a master wisely instead of being enslaved by the whims of the many.

Lack of Perspective
Again, this one can lead to a lot of pain for a Satanist. You must never lose sight of who and what you are, and what a threat you can be, by your very existence. We are making history right now, every day. Always keep the wider historical and social picture in mind. That is an important key to both Lesser and Greater Magic. See the patterns and fit things together as you want the pieces to fall into place. Do not be swayed by herd constraints -- know that you are working on another level entirely from the rest of the world.

Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies
Be aware that this is one of the keys to brainwashing people into accepting something "new" and "different," when in reality it's something that was once widely accepted but is now presented in a new package. We are expected to rave about the genius of the "creator" and forget the original. This makes for a disposable society.

Counterproductive Pride
That first word is important. Pride is great up to the point you begin to throw out the baby with the bathwater. The rule of Satanism is: if it works for you, great. When it stops working for you, when you've painted yourself into a corner and the only way out is to say, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I wish we could compromise somehow," then do it.

Lack of Aesthetics
This is the physical application of the Balance Factor. Aesthetics is important in Lesser Magic and should be cultivated. It is obvious that no one can collect any money off classical standards of beauty and form most of the time so they are discouraged in a consumer society, but "an eye" for for beauty, for balance, is an essential Satanic tool and must be applied for greatest magical effectiveness. It's not what's supposed to be pleasing -- it's what is. Aesthetics is a personal thing, reflective of one's own nature, but there are universally pleasing and harmonious configurations that should not be denied.

Anton Szandor LaVey, 1987 c.e.

The Eleven Satanic Rules of The Earth

Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure that they want to hear them.

When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there.

If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.

Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.

Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the person and he cries out to be relieved.

Acknowledge the power of magic if you have used it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

Do not harm little children.

Do not kill non-human animals unless attacked or for your food.

When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

Anton Szandor LaVey, 1967 c.e.

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Church Of Aleister Crowley Foundation

Church Of



Classical, Classic Rock, Grindcore, Death Metal, Black Metal, Doom, Industrial, and some other odds and ends.

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Mostly Low budget slasher films, zombies, and dark horror flicks.


Im not watching TV, Im watching you.


The Satanic Bible
The Book of Aiwass by Rev. John Allee, High Priest of the First Church of Satan
The Church of Satan by Dr. Michael Aquino. An illustrated history of the Church of Satan, 968 pages. (large file)
The Necronomicon by Simon and Barnes, published 1977, dedicated to Aleister Crowley
The Necronomicon by Fr. Montague Summers, complete Simon Publishing version
Magick In Theory and Practice and The Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley
Papyrus of Ani - The Egyptian Book of the Dead translated by E. A. Wallis Budge
Cults of Cthulu - H. P. Lovecraft and the Occult Tradition by Frater Tenebrous
Books I + II + III - The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - MacGregor Mathers
The Hieroglyphic Monad by John Dee, London 1564
The Essential Skills of Magick by Benjamin Rowe, 1999
Books I + II + III - The Greater Key of Solomon - translated by MacGregor Mathers
Goetia I + II - The Lesser Key of Solomon - Aleister Crowley and MacGregor Mathers
Of Geomancy - the art of divination by Henry Cornelius Agrippa
The Bride's Reception - a Qabalistic Treatise by Frater Achad
Dagon Rising - the Lithany of Dagon by Sadashtor 645
Defense Dept. Directive 1300.17 establishes religious tolerance policy for armed services.
Army Chaplain Handbook - extracts from pamphlet 165-13: Religious Practices
The Philosophy of Humanism by Corliss Lamont (1902 - 1995) - eighth edition
The Mystical Qabalah - a Society of the Inner Light publication
Space and Time Warps and A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
The Emperor's New Religion by Ole Wolf - analysis of Gilmore's Church of Satan
Liber MMM by Peter Carroll - a good introduction to chaos magick
A True History of Witchcraft by Allen Greenfield
Templum Pocket Guide to the Kabbalah - Frater FP
Templum Pocket Guide to the Tarot
A Complete Handbook of Nature Cures - natural health remedies
Friedrich Nietzsche
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Beyond Good and Evil
Twilight of the Idols
Human, All-Too-Human


Penn And Teller ,GG Allin, Andy Kaufman, Anton Lavey, Anthony Hopkins, Charles Manson, And David Gilmour


My Blog

The Most Evil People in the World

The Most Evil People in the World By Doug Soderstrom, Ph.D. 04/17/06 "ICH" -- -- I have come to the conclusion that the Christian fundamentalists, also known as the religiou...
Posted by Magus Satanchia on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 10:33:00 PST

The Nine Joyful Sins

The Nine Joyful SinsLife is all about sin. Joy comes from sinning. And I am the source of sin. Well, more or less. I don't want to take too much credit. How about: I am an instigator of most...
Posted by Magus Satanchia on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 12:54:00 PST

The Unknown Known

..> The Unknown Known by Anton Szandor LaVey   ..> Despite others' attempts to identify a certain number with Satan, it will be known th...
Posted by Magus Satanchia on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:56:00 PST

Hell, The Devil, And How To Sell Your Soul

Hell the Devil and how to sell your Soul Satan has certainly been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years. The false doctrine of Hell and the Devil has ...
Posted by Magus Satanchia on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:54:00 PST

Some Evadence Of a New Satanic Age

Some Evidence Of A New Satanic Age The seven deadly sins of the Christian Church are: greed, pride, envy, anger, gluttony, lust, and sloth. Satanism...
Posted by Magus Satanchia on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:53:00 PST

Wanted.....God Dead Or Alive

--- Wanted! --- GOD DEAD OR ALIVE It is a popular misco...
Posted by Magus Satanchia on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:52:00 PST

Modern Satanism

..>   Modern Satanism   ..> THE WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL RELIGION by Anton Szandor LaVey Religion is the most important thing in a person's life. ...
Posted by Magus Satanchia on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:50:00 PST

The philosophy of Satanism

The philosophy of Satanism is delineated in the writings of Anton Szandor LaVey. His books include "The Satanic Bible", "The Satanic Rituals", "The Sata...
Posted by Magus Satanchia on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:47:00 PST

Do I believe in a funny-looking creature in red tights with horns and a tail

    Satanists do not believe in Satan. On the other hand, Satanists do believe in Satan. It depends on what you mean by "believe in" and what you mean by "Satan." Do I believe in a funn...
Posted by Magus Satanchia on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:43:00 PST

Dealing with Christians

Despite our most fervent wishes, there exists a group of people who are totally dedicated to ridding us of our beliefs. They are, for the most part, entirely sincere in their conviction ...
Posted by Magus Satanchia on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 08:22:00 PST