INSANE es la necesidad de reflejar un sentimiento a travEs de la mUsica. Algo que va mAs allA de un simple devaneo casual. Expresar algo que sientes o que alguien pueda sentir en alguna ocasiOn; viajar al interior de una mente enferma, que aUn asI, es capaz de mostrar o llevar a cabo un acto vivo y natural, una conducta virgen e intacta, pero sincera. Visiones de una realidad que se agolpan en una parte oscura de nuestra memoria y que pueden llegar a manifestarse, aunque poco a poco, con dificultad, y cada vez que algUn pensamiento irracional las evoca. Surgir a la luz en forma de recuerdos que desean ser transformados en realidad, una realidad cruel, que nos arroya a su paso, y que no da explicaciones, porque es tan fugaz que, cuando quieras darte cuenta de sus efectos, ya es demasiado tarde. Trataremos de transformar la cordura de la gente, y asI, conseguir que todos bailemos al son INSANE. ------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------- INSANE is the necessity to reflect a feeling through music. It is something that goes a little further than just a fling. Expressing something you feel or that someone could feel at some point; travelling inside of a sick mind which is, even though, able to show or fullfilling an natural and alive act, an untouched but sincere conduct. It also are visions of a reality that crowd in a obscure part of our mind and they can manifest themselves, bit by bit and with difficulties, when any irrational thought recalls them. It is to arise as memories that want to become reality. A cruel reality that crushes us and that does not give any explanations, because it is so brief that before yu realize the effects it is too late. We will try to transform the sanity of the people to reach the point that we all dance to the INSANE sound.
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