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Your Praise is your Postlude! It's a sign that it IS OVER! Pastor Stephen B. Hall

About Me

We would like to welcome you and express our warmest gratitude for taking the time to visit the MySpace Page ofYou have definitely come to the right place, as this interactive forum will provide you with information, inspiration, and impartation that is indigenous to the Rhema Experience.It is our prayer that as you peruse through this page that it will have a lasting impact on the chapters of your life. Again, thank you for visiting us, and know that you are at the right space for a Rhema Experience.Peace to the People! Love to the People! Favor to the People!

My Interests

2nd Annual N/NE Full Gospel District Conference Held at our Athens Campus on May 20-22, 2007
Dr. Hall & Co-Pastor Hall Anniversary Celebration 2007Enjoy these presentations from Our Pastor and Co Pastor's Anniversary Celebration on June 6, 2007 ____________________ 1st presentation:10am Service Celebration for the Atlanta Location with Guest Minister Bishop James Morton Service Held @ Church of Greater Works ____________________ 2nd Presentation: Saturday Night Live 7PM Pastor and Co Pastor's Anniversary Celebration Continued held at our Atlanta Campus with Guest Minister Bishop William Toney and Teleios

RhemaNation LocationsRhema-ATHENS ~1850 Danielsville Road ~Athens, GA 30601~ PHONE: 706.543.1434____________________Rhema-ATLANTA ~1766 Lakewood Avenue ~Atlanta, GA 30315~ PHONE: 404.622.5999____________________Rhema-BARNESVILLE ~E.P. Roberts Center ~188 Mill Street~ Barnesville, Georgia
Worship Opportunities Rhema-ATHENS ~Sunday~ Children's Church & Worship Service @ 10AM~Tuesday Word Encounter @ 7PM____________________ Rhema-ATLANTA ~Saturday Worship Service @ 10AM~ Monday Word Encounter @ 7PM____________________Rhema-BARNESVILLE ~Tuesday Word Encounter @ 7PM
RhemaNation Weekly Announcement'sGreetings!Swift Transitions definition: Fast Shifts! Expect GREAT THINGS! ____________________ These are BETTER DAYS!!!!!!!____________________ Greetings! This is the year of SWIFT TRANSITIONS!!!!! Dr. Stephen B. Hall ____________________Pastor @ Timothy - Athens, GA! Be There! Tuesday, July 31st at 7 p.m. Dr. Hall will bring a Rhema Word at the Timothy Baptist Church located at 380 Timothy Road in Athens, Ga. There will be no Word Encounter at the Athens campus; however, everyone is expected to be in attendance at the Timothy Baptist Church. The RhemaNation Mass Choir (Athens & Atlanta) will provide the ministry of music. Attire is casual attire. ____________________ Happy Birthday Pastor!!!! On Wednesday, August 1, Dr. Hall will celebrate his birthday. Everyone is encouraged to bless our Pastor with a financial gift anytime leading up to his birthday. ____________________ Empowerment Zone TIME!!! Have You JOINED? Catch the VISION! Just for a small seed of $25 you can be a part of the Rhema Nation Empowerment Zone!!!! It promotes empowerment, encouragement, and support for our Pastor. Rhema members in all locations can receive weekly CDs, product discounts, and special messages from Dr. Hall for a monthly seed of $25. For further details see a member of the marketing team or Kaye or Wyatt Coleman. Catch the vision!!! ____________________ Saturday Night LIVE - This Saturday @ 7:00pm Be there! August 4th - Saturday Night Live - 7 p.m. - Atlanta Campus - E-Flyer is available in your inbox. Musical guests -Charles Westmoreland and the Westmoreland Chorale ____________________September - ALL FAITH MONTH!!! September - is All Faith Month!!! Our Goal is to have 100% tithers for the entire month of September for all locations. Let's get excited Rhema. We can do this! ___________________ Are you RHEMA'S TOP CHEF???? Can you BEAT last year's winners!!!! Enter the Taste of Rhema Cookoff the first week in August. Entry forms will be available first week in August. Event will take place on September 30 @ our Athens Campus. Come enjoy the great food and place your VOTE FOR RHEMA'S TOP CHEF!!!! Direct any questions to the teams @ each location - Atlanta - Rebecca Bryant or Porchia Johnson or Athens - Elsie Young or Maria Browner. Great Wisdom from our PASTOR - Dr. HALL!____________________ Great wisdom from Pastor Stephen B. Hall *This is the SEASON of OPEN DOORS! *Milk and Honey! Don't allow people who only want water to frustrate YOU! Go after your MILK and HONEY!!!! *Maximize EVERY MOMENT!!!! *Keep the Baby (of Destiny) ALIVE! *IT'S A DONE DEAL!!! *If you are a believer and an achiever, YOU will be accused! ____________________Great Words from Co-Pastor V. Hall You will never have a payoff if you are not persistent in your PURSUIT! ____________________ Have an INCREDIBLE week!!~Peace to the people, Love to the People, Favor to the people~ Pastor Dr. Stephen B. Hall and Co Pastor Vanessa Hall

I'd like to meet:

The Vision of this house can be summed up in this one statement: “Reaching the lost and Teaching the found.” The thrust of any church should be to go into the world and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every person (Mark 16:15-16), and it should begin in our own backyard (Acts 1:8), then move to a global status. We believe that we should use every Godly means available in reaching the lost. We can never put a price tag on the value of a lost soul; therefore, we understand that outreach and soul winning cost money, and we gladly, without apology, invest money into the witnessing, and winning of lost souls. We will invest in media ministry, print publications, technology, etc. (Matt. 6:21). We are also committed to the ongoing Biblical education of those who are in the body of Christ; so therefore, we will invest into the perpetual spiritual enhancement of the members of this fellowship by providing opportunities such seminars, revivals, conferences, and retreats. We are a body that is committed to the spirit of excellence, and we will not be boxed in by the spirit of traditionalism, but rather set free by the spirit of faith (Heb. 11:1). We are a body that believes in the order of God and not the systems of men. This is not a fellowship that is ran by proxy, because proxy is contrary to the Will and the Word of the Lord. Throughout the book of Exodus, the Word of God reveals that God spoke to Moses and Moses spoke to the people for the direction for the people. When it comes to the directions of this movement and fellowship, God speaks to our Pastor, and then our Pastor speaks to the people. We understand that the church is not a Democracy but rather a Theocracy, by which we conclude that this is a Church where God is in control. We are “Bible based, Holy Spirit led, Christ centered, and Mission minded.”__________________________________________________ _________Below are a few pictures from One of our Youth Friday Night Services at our Atlanta Campus with Elder Mark Sledge Ministering.