Creating my reality.. brightening yours..
Practicing and teaching the things I'm passionate about:
Abundance Coaching
Art Therapy
Holistic Therapies
NLP - Neuro-Linguistic-Programming
Golfing on a Spring day, Tennis in the Fall.
Attending work/playshops (like Hicks)
Browsing in metaphysical shops,
Indian or Vegetarian food.
Camping, Scrabble, Watching my son snowboard from inside the chalet.
I'm Wendy Matthews, NLP Coach and Reiki Master.
I'd like to meet people who are interested in Law of Attraction, living their purpose and tapping into unlimited sources of prosperity while enjoying wellness of mind, body and spirit.
If that sounds like a place you would like to be, coaching and mentoring can help you become the powerful deliberate creator that is your true essence.
When 2 minds and spirits work together, it's amazing what can be accomplished!
I've been learning and playing with the Laws of Attraction and Allowing, in my own life for over 15 years now. I can with utmost confidence promise you that it does work. It's worked beautifully for me and it is working for you right now, whether you understand it or not.
So why not decide to have some fun with the powerful creative being that you are and reach for some really juicy goals and joyous living?Contact me to find out about Clarity Coaching for Lightworkers, Mentoring and NLP coaching.
The most prosperous people all have one thing in common. They made a DECISION to get to where they are. Make yours now and join them!
I look forward to being your Coach!
Secret to You
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New Age of course,
still enjoy a bit of the old stuff too like U2, some Eagles, Genesisand Fred Penner and Raffi. We dance around the living room to that stuff a lot.
The Secret,
What the Bleep,
Spiritual Cinema,
Carey Grant,
Fools Rush In,
ok . I admit it.. Survivor and Idol, Voyageur, The Oasis Channel.
Ask and It is Given, Esther and Jerry Hicks. Messages From Water, anything Dyer.., Deepak,Power vs Force,Louise Hay