About Me
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I've been here, below.
Both as a child and as an adult who was brutally raped and beaten.
Tell someone please!
Also have Faith because we serve an awesome God who can lift you back up and heal your pain.
Never give up!
I love you and so does Jesus!
If you can't talk to someone, call this number below.. or / PLEASE.. talk to me!
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Note: I don't post..'ADVERTISMENTS'. If you are 'SELLING' something then please post them to your bulletin board. Now then.. I know this is going to be long, but just hoping some will read it. So - get a soda, a cup of coffee, whatever, kick back and hopefully, you'll find out a lot about me and possibly even yourself. *wink*
Surname - "Mayall", originally from Clinton,IL. I have Cherokee Indian in me, English, and German. I'm a MUTT! LOL I'm (divorced), or / single and have been now for over 10 years. No one should be alone here without that special someone to come home to each day. Please join me in prayer that God will bring that person into my life. I'm ready to settle down with someone again if it be God's will. I'm a Christian, but please let's get this straight. I'm not a PUFFED UP, holier than Thou Christian and I don't shove Christianity down other's throats. If you have a personal relationship with the Lord, that's what's important. To me, the greatest gift is knowing how to love others and see them through God's eyes.
I’m a mother of 1 wonderful son who is a chief in our U.S. Navy. (Yep, I’m a military mom and proud of it!!). I’m also a grand mother of two beautiful grand children, unfortunately, they live hundreds of miles away and I don't see them often. Most visits are by telephone. I have all kinds of interests, such as SINGING, writing music and poetry, (published poet), playing guitar, fishing, boating, God and family life, cook outs, love animals, swimming, ministry, flea markets, yard sales and much, much more. I love to laugh and am known to have QUITE a great sense of humor.
Here is a little more about who I am and I guess you could also consider it a testimony of my faith and what I believe. As I stated, I am a Christian and I was raised by precious (believing) parents but parents who did not attend church (at that time). It was my grandmother who I stayed with often while my parents worked that taught me about Jesus Christ, son of our living God. THANK GOD for BORN AGAIN GRAND MOTHERS! I'm not a Mormon, but she attended a Mormon church. PLEASE, never underestimate what God can do in a person's heart that is a person that IS after HIS own heart, no matter what church they are sitting in. God's truth is in His word, so PLEASE don't put Him in a BOX so that you think that if someone doesn't believe or do just as YOU think they should, that they are not Christian. All believers are SAVED BY GOD'S GRACE, Jesus paid it all. None of us are PERFECT, but ONLY FORGIVEN. My grandmother never taught me about her (denomination's) beliefs, but she taught me ONLY about my Lord Jesus Christ! Her body died and her spirit went on to be with our Lord Jesus when I was 7 years old and she was 70.
From a child I searched churches(s) and scripture until at a time in my 20’s, I reached a place of an unrelenting hunger for God and wanting to know my (destiny), or the reason that I was even here on this earth.. I found myself reading God's Holy word every chance I got, even taking my bible to work and reading it on my lunch hour. I received a LOT of ridicule from other employees, but I just didn’t care.. The holy bible (King James Version) became more interesting to me than any other book I'd ever picked up.
I could not get ENOUGH of God's (WORD) and found myself continuously praying and seeking Him, talking with Him daily just as I would any friend that I would visit my house. (I truly believe that it's there and only there, time spent in His word and praying and seeking Him with a pure and honest heart, just taking time to talk to Him and letting Him know that you want to know Him more, where one will truly find Him and come into that intimate relationship with Him). I would often prone myself on my face before Him asking Him to reveal Himself to me and over the years, He did in more ways than one.
Tired of trying different churches and not seeing the promises of God's word, seeing or feeling the moving of His Holy Spirit as was promised in His word when you are in God's presence, I one day proned myself on my face on my living room floor before God, crying out to the Lord with all of my heart because I was so confused and weary in seeing so many different beliefs and hearing so many different teachings that differed one from another,... but yet all of these churches taught the same Trinity, - God the Father, Jesus Christ His son and The Holy Spirit.
On my face, on my floor - I cried over and over!
"Jesus?! WHERE??! ... is there a church that teaches ALL of what I am reading in my bible?? Show me! Lead me! Let me not be led astray from the truth by false prophets or those who do not know ALL about you. I want ALL OF YOU! PLEASE let me come even closer to YOU! I - WANT- MORE- OF - YOU- JESUS!!!" My cry would be gut wrenching. That's how much I wanted to become closer to Him.
This crying and petitioning my Lord Jesus went on for days!
During this time, day after day my phone would ring and a precious little Christian lady that I knew, would invite me to a church where God had raised up a woman who was called to teach, but the church was 35 miles away from my home and also I had never set under a woman who taught and preached ....Heaven forbid! LOL ... ( just kidding now, but back then I didn't know any better), .... So anyway, I would tell the little lady, when she called.... "No, I don't think I'll go, but thank you for inviting me." Over and over day after day this little lady would call until I was starting to get a little agitated but this one particular day I finally didn't so quickly say “noâ€, but got STILL before God and LISTENED. It's then that I heard. "I'm trying to show you what you've been asking of me." That voice inside of me (thought) came quick, strong and yet so peaceful. It was then that I finally said. "Okay God, I get it!!" LOL Duhh me!
I rode to the next bible teaching service with that little lady who had been calling me and it was there that I heard and saw exactly what I'd been reading in my bible and praying for. THE TRUTH.. HIS TRUTH IN FULL OPERATION IN "HIS" HOLY SPIRIT and then I couldn't believe it! LOL! People dancing before the Lord, raising their hands and shouting His praises. (It was really wonderful!) but.. yet..(I wasn't used to that). lol I found myself getting nervous and was honestly thinking of leaving to the car and then I decided that I would just wait for my little friend that I had come there with. Before I left that day, I received prayer from many Christian ladies and my whole life changed.
This female teacher (who soon later was ordained and became a pastor) was the most Godly, Holy Spirit filled person that I had ever been around (at that time) in my life! (Never say God can’t use a woman. In the bible He used an ass, a (donkey). He’ll use those who are (a willing vessel) to do His work here on earth. I drove that 35 miles, back and forth, normally at least 3 times a week and sometimes more, to learn the bibles truth with confirmation and EVIDENCE with signs and wonders from the Holy Spirit of God in our services. It was there that I was taught the 5 fold ministry and started into my evangelical ministry. It was there that God showed me that His word WAS definite TRUTH as I had read and that all of His heavenly gifts are STILL IN OPERATION for EVEN TODAY.. to those who will seek Him daily, will be a willing vessel to be used by Him just as the apostles and his followers were and will come to him as a child with CHILDLIKE SIMPLE BELIEF and NO DOUBTING. In other words, IF THE WORD SAYS IT - BELIEVE IT!
I could go on and on and tell you of the many miracles that I've seen happen and I do mean AWESOME miracles that God has performed through His Holy Spirit filled men and women today, just as He did in Ancient days of the bible times, simply because they were willing vessels and did not doubt that God could use them, but I really do not have time nor the room here to tell them all. I'm looking into a full web site to do that on.
I will tell you of just one... until my site is built. A man in our church had to have a colostomy. His colon removed to the point that he had to wear a bag and was told by doctors that he would always wear one. Our church fasted, believed and prayed for this man also taking him before the pastor, elders and deacons of the church for him to be anointed with oil and prayed over him with laying on of hands and belief for God's Holy Spirit to intercede and take our prayers to our Heavenly Father God for this man's healing (just as God says to do in His word). Well, without doubt as we believed he would do - HE DID. The man was TOTALLY HEALED - BAG GONE FOR GOOD! RESTORED! PRAISE GOD! Even the doctors told him it had to be a MIRACLE.
Throughout my walk with God I have come to believe what I feel God has truly shown me as far as what denomination I am to attend and that is NO denomination, but ONLY any church that teaches the FULL truth of God's Holy word. We know that the apostles sent words or letters to different towns but was only sending words or letters for believers, so that they would share them with others. Thus for instance to the church of Corinth, which later was known to become churches of Corinthians, John the Baptist, thus came Baptist churches,. etc. etc.
I (personally) feel that man is what has separated churche(s) and the teachings of Christ which sadly, some even changed His teachings by their own beliefs and because of spiritual things they could not understand because they didn't have ears to hear spiritually or they wanted (CONTROL) of the people, THEIR wills to be done and not God's will for THE CHURCH, (which was meant to be ALL believers who worshiped Him in spirit and in truth and in ONE ACCORD). That is why I choose to attend a church that teaches ONLY the FULL gospel of Jesus Christ and that is led by a Spirit filled God fearing pastor.
All of us have a ministry
I believe that all of us have a ministry that we were sent here to fulfill. 5 Not that we are competent of ourselves to claim anything as coming from us; our competence is from God, 6 who has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not in a written code but in the Spirit; for the written code kills, but the Spirit gives life." ~ 2 Corinthians 3:5-6, RSV What is yours? Have you sought His face daily and prayed to find out? Do you ever feel that there has to be (something) more than what you are learning and living or is there a hunger and cry inside of you to know WHY you are here on this earth, your fate or (destiny)? Are you really yearning and longing to know?
Then, please let me tell you this. NOW is the definite time for you to find out. There is an out pouring of God’s Holy Spirit (today) coming over all of the nations of this world as has never been experienced before in all of the years since His crucifixion. In this year, 2007, we are going to see more people coming to Christ and God’s going to reveal Himself as never seen before, here on this earth. (More teenagers and adults are coming to Christ than has ever been seen before in the history of the world). Of course, if you are not involved in the body of true believer’s of Jesus Christ and following Christian news and television, you wouldn’t understand or even know what is happening right before your eyes. Those who have their hearts hardened and set on the things of this world and not on God are going to miss out. 2007 is the year of your (destiny)!! Please don't miss out on what God (had) and (still has) planned for your life!
My prayer for all is that especially in these last days (and we are definitely (NOW) in THE LAST DAYS, just (read Revelations and find out what is happening in the Christian world), - that all true Christians will get on their faces before God.. cry out to Him. Get to know Him.. HE'S REAL. Draw closer in your walk and relationship with Him. Seek His face and read His word daily. Be brought to and find your first true love for our Lord or - return to your first love in our Lord Jesus Christ and return to your ministries that God had already made you for and ordained you for, before you were ever born, to be sent here to fulfill on this earth until His coming for (His church), not church(es). Thousands of years, yes it’s true, people all over the earth have been saying that Jesus is returning (soon) but only because they wanted Him to so bad. WE are the ones, those of us ALIVE TODAY, who are now honestly living in the (true) “last days†as is prophesied in the bible. I believe this with all of my heart as many Christians do who are well studied in God’s Holy word.
I challenge any of you who do not believe, to get to know the life of Jesus Christ. Study it fervently. Turn on a Christian television station and watch it steadily for at least a full week (without being "judgemental") and just listen and see what is REALLY happening in the world today.
I pray none are left behind or perish for lack of knowledge.
23 Minutes in Hell - Bill Wiese
(Newest Version - Dec 2006) More Details
Bill Wiese saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, and experienced the putrid and rotting stench, deafening screams of agony, terrorizing demons, and finally, the strong hand of God lifting him out of the pit. This is a "must watch". Please take the time to see this.
God Bless all of you.
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