So...Here it is. A short version of what turned out to be a smash hit. A force of nature. A pack of wild dogs. A fucking well needed breeze of fresh air in the more and more dying scene of sweaty, decadent and kick-in-the-nuts-rock n roll. Five guys that didn t even dare to dream about being the great rock n roll band they turned out to be. So, here it goes.
While browsing the world wide web for even more unbelievingly good (and bad) music, Böris came across a message from a visionary out of proportions (Jocke), that stated he needed a lead singer for his unnamed rock project (Erik, Joel and Victor were included too, of course). They were four guys with an ambition. Four dudes with love for The Hellacopters, The Who, SOOL and movies with the most twisted characters and manuscripts ever to be shown n known. So, they decided to meet Böris at Skyltens rehearsal spot in Linköping to jam the crap out of both ears, balls and loaned transistor amplifiers. Things went well, to put it simple, and they decided to keep on fighting, despite of the bad climate that rules this brat infested shithole that is Linköping. It took almost two years of endless struggling, songwriting and giging before they finally got the money and cahones to record a demo. And what a demo it was. The shit started rolling. Damn. Success was inevitable!
So here I lie, in my bed and reminiscing the good times and the bad times in Pedro Sanchez s life, and I can t help but feeling positive. And I ll be damned if I didn t. We reached a good second place in the contest Rockkarusellen, we play hair raising gigs both near and far and we befriend with even more cool bands and people along the way. This is only the beginning of something even bigger.
This is the future, this is good, this is evil, this is what you want it to be. Don t miss out on the action, and please, PLEASE don t listen to commercial radio. I ve heard of people dying painfully from it../Böris
Pedro Sanchez - Deadline
"Tidigare under kvällen, innan jag förvandlades till en isglass, har Linköpingsbandet Pedro Sanchez gjort mig glad med ett framträdande där finlirande och finess har fått stå tillbaka för energi och jävla anamma. Precis som det ska vara alltså"
- Pelle Gunnarsson, Corren
Check out the article here!