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HaVe A LiSteN tO sOme MORE eLaBoRaTe sTaTioN sOuNd…

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sO wHaT aBouT eLaBoRaTe sTaTioN…?

We'Re a BaNd WitH a MiSSioN________MiSSion ImPoSSiBLe?
NoTHiNg'S iMPoSsiBLe!
sO wHaT's oUr MiSsioN ?________WeLL wHaT's yOuR's?
OuRs iS tO geT YouR's AnD oUr's tO a PLaCe oF uNitY!
uNiTy? …I aGRee, iT'S SoMeThiNg wE raReLy sEE oR eVeN HeaR
We'Re SeLFiSh……cOmE oN aDmiT iT….wE'rE ALL selfish!
I MeaN, DoN't YoU WaNNa Be KiNg oF sOmE CaSTLe?
wE aLL WaNNa RuLe……rULe aNd ReiGn!
(yes, I've often wandered what the point is of that…I mean what's the point?)
wE WaNt SuCCeSs!!!
wHaT iS SuCCeSs?_____________HoW dO wE mEaSuRe iT?
tO us, SuCCeSS iS; …tO sHaRe sOMeONe's JoY aNd bE eXiTeD wHeN
tHeY sUccEEd…, tO tAke pArT oF tHeiR LiVes eVeN wHen tHey'rE
HuRTinG aNd oUr eNeRgy iS ReALy LoW…, tO WaTcH tHem gO frOm
diM tO BriGHt, dArK tO LiGhT, aNd KnOw tHat tHe MiRaCLe
WaSn'T Us__________wE wEre SimPLy tHeRe…sEEkiNg uNiTy…
HoW oFteN dO YoU FeeL LoNEly?.....
(Yah, so I'm getting soppy on you, so what…)
SoMe oF uS hAve tO PauSe aNd ThiNk aBouT iT, fOr oTHers iT's tHe
oNLy tHiNg tHeY KnOw…?______________WhY?
It'S cALLeD PeER pReSSuRe…tHe aRtiFiciAL sTanDarD “sOmeOnE”
HaS sEt fOr a GiVeN SoCiETy oR CliCK!
WhaT iS PeER pReSSuRe?_________________It'S tHe pReSSuRe
NOT tO Be DiFfeRenT…ThE pReSSuRe tO “FiT iN”…iT's tHe
iMMprEsSiOn tHat tHe pReSSuRe iS tOo HigH…tHe iMMprEsSiOn
tHat tHe pReSSuRe sTifLeS oUr aBLeaTy tO ChOoSe!
ChOoSe WhAt?______________tHe rAdiCaL, tHe uNprEdicTaBLe,
tHe aDveNtuRe oF wHat LiEs aHeaD fOr tHe sOuL tHat WitH in
HimSelF HaS ReSoLveD tO Lay aSiDe hIs cOmfOrTs tO cOmfOrT…
tHe FeeLiNg oN thE iNsiDe wHen YoU ReCeiVe…
wiLL NeVeR eVeR eVer…Be aS aWeSoMe aS wHen yOu giVe…

My soul escapes and wants to touch your heart...
To know You, to dwell within You...
To keep You and never to leave...
To the souls that are swept away by their own measurements or presumptions of what they are;
To them, the knowledge be that they are none.
None indeed to save, nor to conquer, nor even to live...
My soul, my everything, cries out to my Maker
I understand my capableaty; blemished and ever failing.
But Yours is the heart that drenches my sorrows.
Yours is the Heart I long to dwell in.
Never be separated from this Great Love Oh crying soul within me!
Lose everything.
But lose not this; The Love that holds my every broken piece.
And in what I am, my state of crushedness, Your heart remembers me
and forgets not my yearning...
When even still my heart of ignorence has failed its
actual desire to love You.
You have kept me, my broken, raging, ruggedness
In the Ocean of Your Heart; Reserved for peace...

My Interests


Member Since: 1/20/2007
Band Website: elaboratestation.com
Band Members:

To Book Elaborate Station for Events/Gigs please contact
James: 082 440 7503

Elaborate Station is proud to be associated with
Jean Village Music: 012 644 9200

Record Label: * (: *
Type of Label: None

My Blog

give away...

We cannot keep what we are unwilling or unable to give away. The authentic sister/brotherhood shares its life not by telling others what to believe or by giving them helpful tools to make it in the wo...
Posted by ELABORATE STATION on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 01:51:00 PST

Being Busy...

Empty space tends to create fear. As long as our minds, hearts and hands are occupied we can avoid confronting the painful questions, to which we never gave much attention and which we do not want to ...
Posted by ELABORATE STATION on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 01:55:00 PST

some background...

ELABORATE STATION'S  BACKGROUND Foreword We're a band with diversity&. We're a band of people containing blood in our veins& We find our sanity, our unity through the expression of our music&...
Posted by ELABORATE STATION on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:57:00 PST