Hold-FAST profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Holdfast is a conceptually based group dedicated to the deconstruction of society's most treasured dreams. By revealing the underpinning absurdities found in the narrative of life, Holdfast works to collapse the many deified edifices we bow to each day, Love, Sex, Death, Hate, and all other contemporary false idols must fall. Only by exposing the absurdity of their taboos can humans ever hope to overcome their preposterous false sensibilities.

The founder of Holdfast, Will S Fosdick, was responsible for first realizing the importance of the work being created by the dark mind of Cameron Kallos. A connoisseur and collector of graphic art, Will happened to stumble upon the work of C. Kallos while browsing the web for Tom of Finland prints. Will was at first concerned with the intense sexual pleasure he received from viewing Cam's more violent renderings. However he soon came to terms with this homoerotic stimulation and recognizing the value of the art as a vehicle for progressive societal understanding he decided to to throw caution to the wind and thinking to himself, si peccasse negamus fallimur et nulla est in nobis veritas he gave Cameron his full support.

Cameron Kallos, the artist and creative engine of Holdfast is noted for his renderings of nightmarish monochrome images. A recovering gambler and suspected pederast the artist is capable of incredible sensitivity in his work. Many people upon first meeting the artist find it hard to accept that a hulking 6'6 350 pound man could in fact be the creator of such finely detailed images. A contradiction and enigma, Cameron continues to explore the boundaries of expression.

Layne O Donovan, the third and final member of the Holdfast cadre is bi-polar manic depressive. As described in the works of Areteus, Layne's pathology is accurately captured by the famous description of manic individuals. " A group of euphoric patients who would "laugh, play, dance night and day, and sometimes go openly to the market crowned, as if victors in some contest of skill" only later to appear "torpid, dull and sorrowful". One could also employ the phrase coined by Falret and Baillarger "circular insanity" to accurately define Layne's symptoms. His predilection for violence and hatred are also close to being clinically pathological, though his role of an enforcer and bodyguard does lend them some semblance of legitimacy.

This is the triune which composes Holdfast, a seemingly random collection of deviant individuals who, despite their handicaps and flaws are committed to the perseverance of social enlightenment. Together they will work to cast the powerful beam of revelation into the darkest corners of the world's most sacred places. Prepare to be uncomfortable.

My Interests

Art. Fashion. Confused.

Mens Jonestown Hoodies: Out of Stock

One Of Mens Dress Shirt!

I'd like to meet:

Cam Original. For Sale. Ask for details.


Men's 'Falling For You' shirt: Out of Stock.
Another Cam Piece for sale!


Mens Jonestown Hoodies: Out of Stock