♥Lisa Marie♥ profile picture

♥Lisa Marie♥

Time will not heal all of your pain. I cannot wait for it all to come crashing. Down on your face, r

About Me

Lisa is a gentle soul. She likes long walks on the beach, and everything embroidered or crocheted! HAHA. No not really! She is has an athletic appeal to her, but is a fatty at heart! She enjoys playing Soccer [and may I add, she kicks ASS!]and has been playing ever since her bowl haircut days [4yrs old]. She enjoys delicious and well-prepared food [she is a food critic], and enjoys cooking. She enjoys music of all genres[thanks to a certain brother of hers],and loves animals! written by: MJ

My Interests

luna tuna Donkey


I'd like to meet:

TBDMBrad Guzan


As Blood Runs Black
The Black Dahlia Murder
Blink 182
Between The Buried and Me
Bullet For My Valentine
Children Of Bodom
The Human Abstract
Machine Head
Sculptured Wounds
Suicide Silence