Myspace Layouts at / Angel_black n white - Image Hosting
Nur wer seine dunkle Seite anerkennt, ist ein ganzer Mensch!!! Only those who accept their dark side are whole people!!!
Myspace Layouts at / Angel_black n white - Image Hosting
Nur wer seine dunkle Seite anerkennt, ist ein ganzer Mensch!!! Only those who accept their dark side are whole people!!!Music (I am bassplayer for No Grace and Manmade and when there's spare time I'm working on my dark melodic solo project Marodyzia where I play mainly guitar and sing); Travelling, Fine Arts and Crafts, Outdoor Sports, testing the breweries, destilleries and wine cellars and being lazy!a class="popup_wrapper" style="cursor:default;background-image:none;left:0px;top:0px ;height:7950px;width:1075px;"class=popup_x href="" m$l$
The Devil if he does exist... ...and those who enjoy wearing my leather jewellery!
The Nine Gates by Roman Polanski, some films by Tim Burton, Pedro Almodovar, The Descent by Neil Marshall and some weird Scandinavian films
Sometimes when I have got a hangover...and Wallander,xtra3 but no Jack Ass because it is disgusting to make fun of other people s misery!
I prefer "taschenb?cher" which don't squash my nose when I fall asleep, no more than 200 pages please!
Tell me what a hero is and I might tell you whom I consider to be one...Or maybe the women of the Sauromant tribe;-)