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About EVB...

About Me

I'm trying to find the things that make life worthwhile and determined to not miss any opportunities. I figure if I want to do anything badly enough I will figure out a way to accomplish it or else it just isn't that important...

I have an obsessive/compulsive disorder to document everything in my life so I can usually be found with my camera in hand snapping away! I especially love doing concert photos & helping out bands I enjoy.please come visit my website - http://www.psychotica.net - filled with tons of photos of bands I've shot & various stuff I collectI also run what I hope is the ultimate Tiger Army fan website in tribute to my favorite band - http://www.ghosttigers.comAnd my latest project is serving as webmistress for the offish site for a truly great new band - check out VIVA HATE at www.vivahate.net - a great new sound containing the combined talents of Matt Wedgley (from The Force)on Vocals , Geoff Kresge (formerly of AFI and Tiger Army and also currently on guitar for the Horrorpops) on upright bass, Eric Razo (of SoCal psychobillies The Henchmen) on guitar and Greg Utter(ex Swingin' Utters) on the skins!

I don't use myspace much and prefer to keep my friends list to people I have actually met in person or ones I communicate with a lot .. on message boards I participate in. If you want to add me please drop me a line and let me know where I know you from! Also if you keep changing your name/and or photos to something I don't recognize you might get dropped - please don't take it personally!Instead of a blog here, check out my Livejournal page!

My Interests

I’m into - photography, tattoos; cats, horses, horror in general (movies/music/art & all general spookiness); art - particularily the symbolists/decadents, pre-raphaelites and the surrealistist as well as more modern lowbrow/Juxtapoz kinda stuff) and of course music - goth, psychobilly, punk, industrial, 80's synth pop & even the blues and of course roadtripping all over to see my favorite bands for the umpteenth time, I think I'm a gypsy at heart.Also love collecting all sorts of stuff (I have a bad habit of collecting collections...) - records (mega vinyl junkie here) & music memorabilia, toys (especially Tim Burton related/NBC and Devilman/Nirasawa), resin garage kits, books, comics (especially Grendel, The Crow, Sandman, Preacher, The Invisibles, Dawn/Cry for Dawn, Faust), original comic art ( click here to view my comicartfans.com gallery! ), art nouveau and art deco antiques/objects d'art, & cool /weird silver jewelry...


Tiger Army, AFI, Danzig, Samhain, The Misfits (original 1977-1983, I ignore anything after that...), Viva Hate, Zombie Ghost Train, David Bowie, Morrissey/The Smiths, The Sisters of Mercy, The Mission, Fields of The Nephilim/Nefilim, Bauhaus, Tones on Tails, Love and Rockets, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Specimen, Empire Hideous, The Cult, Mad Sin, Nekromantix, The Horrorpops, Ends !n Tragedy, The Rezurex, The Meteors, The Cramps, 12 Step Rebels, Mad Sin, Nekromantix, Horrorpops, Lost City Angels, Alkaline Trio, The Unseen, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Ministry, NIN, Skinny Puppy, Electric Hellfire Club, VNV Nation, Klaus Nomi, Roxy Music/Bryan Ferry, Dead or Alive, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Psychotica, Glampire, Chris Isaak, Robert Johnson


pretty much anything by Tim Burton, David Lynch, Terry Gilliam, The Coen Brothers, David Fincher, John Waters, Quentin Tarantino, Guillermo del Toro, Jacques Tourneur, Val Lewton, Tod Browning, Frederico Fellini, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Werner Herzog, Dario Argento, Kurosawa and many others


Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Twin Peaks, Firefly, X Files, Venture Brothers, Pee Wee's Playhouse, Heroes


those by Harlan Ellison, Jonathan Carroll, Clive Barker, H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert Bloch, Joe R. Lansdale, Robert McCammon, Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison, Alan Moore, Jack Kerouac, Seth Morgan, Chuck Palahniuk, Michael Chabon, Poppy Z Brite, Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allen Poe, Charles Baudelaire, Jorge Karl Huysman, T.S. Eliot, Tennessee Williams


Salvador Dali, Tim Burton, Charles Addams, Diane Arbus and everybody with vision and the courage to go against the flow

My Blog

come check out www.ghosttigers.com

I've been hard at work on this for quite a while so please come check out my Tiger Army website - www.ghosttigers.com - its still under construction but it's my hope to create the ultimate Tiger A...
Posted by Elizabeth on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST