Why Should You Have Massage?A massage session is designed to correct postural imbalances, detoxify body tissues and eliminate muscular stress. It therefore can actually correct rounded posture, chronic migraines, pain syndromes and scar tissue formation. Massage Therapy aids the traditional medical approach to soft tissue problems in a natural way, many times eliminating the need for surgery and medication.
Massage Therapy can do wondrous things for the human body, if done on a regular basis:
· Increase venous circulation by up to 400%.
· It is the primary source of movement for the lymphatic system, the center of immunity.
· Stabilizes the nervous system.
· Increases the range of motion of joints.
· Relaxes muscles and lengthens muscle fibers.
· Prevent subluxations of the spine.
· Eliminate pain.
· Increase athletic performance.So break the cycle and learn what relaxation really feels like!Myspace Graphics
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