Go ahead and buy our medications, food, oil and all those things made with lead from the countries that hate us, we can so trust them- here give them our stuff like our wheat, meat and vegetables- so we can import wheat from Brazil, meat from China and vegetables from Where??? Cocoa from Canada- when did they start growing Cocoa Beans? And i am on medication why? PEACE-
but we are getting oil from up here in Wyoming not as much as before now that we have more National Parks, but we will stay warm, dont know about you though TELL IF YOU ARE DRILLING FOR WATER AND YOU ACCIDENTLY HIT NATURAL GAS OR OIL otherwise youll get in trouble. WHERE DO YOU PUT IT. JUST A HYPERTHECICAL QUESTION....the Rainbow Children were here- and so were a lot of my cousins. Seen them at Beaver Rim [where they were building some big machine to produce more oil there. Dont inhale to deep... it makes your mind a little loopy,.-and then on to Big Sandy. Had the best of fun this past summer with family and friends, Got the little yellow submarine purrrring on fast food grease, so when they seen us coming and needed a ride, they really did wave us down: we got them there. Even brought lemon geranimums for the skeeters. No wierd chemical sprays for us. We knew a short cut on horseback, no i did not bring saddles. I am brought all the afgans mom made for the nuts aka family members. Talk about the pretty colors...Oh and wore sun screen, those private parts burn real easy here in the Wyoming sun. Mom really wanted to go there. Who knows maybe she made it after all. Wait- do you hear her laughing at your? Oh and next time dont throw rocks at the forest rangers, they were just doing their job. You know clean up after yourself. Right? Heck one was even trying to pass out little bells to you, of course that was only to tell where the BEARS were...lol ok maybe not.
If you get bored look up,something might be falling on your head without warning. Yes this is the area where the russian satelitte fell, only a few miles out of town where noone was informed it was coming. check out the Riverton Ranger paper on Jan 4 2007, {nothing to see folks and don't go out there}and by the time you get to go out there, absolutly nothing is there. Or look down, yes this is the area with the 44lb. opal [wear that around your neck]was located on blm land...AKA public land, also see paper. I seem to people, rather unique and unusual and not always there, mostly because it's hard to keep me interested enough and stuff bores me. i am in search of my portal to get me back homeee. i love gypsy dancing, baklava, and my heat rock, CRAZY THING GLOWS IN THE DARK AND MAKES WATER. yes, i was at woodstock at age 12. i turned 13 later that month, about the same time i relocated my mother. but nothing can be as interesting to me as Wyoming. Ever seen Devils Tower, or Hells Half Acre. Wild buffalo running with the wild mustangs, Grand Tetons, powwows or mountain man rendevous, ever dug up dinosaurs or ancient indian camps. Keep the big cities for adventure, a 1/2 million people is about for the whole state. City folk get scared out here, just by looking at the stars. THANK YOU LITTLE DUDE JUDGE. THE WOLF IS NOW BACK ON PROTECIVE CUSTODY. :::and now he might be off again,
oh and attitude, i'll show you attitude.
DID YOU know COAL PRODUCED 50% OF THE ENERGY IN THE STATES. doesn't coal make JET FUEL who will be selling their jets because they can not afford the fuel?IT JUST MIGHT GET A TOUCH COLD HERE IN THE STATES. Congrats Presdent Obama i got a book called Obama From Promise to Power by David Mendell to read from library, you might want to check it out, so very interesting.....but i not sure the person was his friend in the teen and college years so glad Obama isnt doing Cocaine anymore. SIR are you shuting down most of those rooms to consurve heating and not do so many expensive dinners at the WHITE HOUSE. as for the wolves seems it is a losing battle them goverment boys are touched confused. seems they had this here problem before in 1912 or so. yep them gray wolves went extinct then, i wonder what Congress guys will be doing after all nothing is passed without their approval. read your amendents and DEMAND them. I GOT FABULOUS PHOTOS OF THEM WOLVES BEING BUTCHERED BACK THEN AND NOW THEY ARE AFTER ARE LINX CATS.
Riverton Wyoming is unable to help anyone who is homebound and is hearing impared.....it would cause a HARDSHIP on the budget, but if you are deaf or impaired you can buy the stuff needed. but why isn't there any hearing impaired interperters. this city even has news conference which they think is so important to be aired on their on tv. but not important enough for the handicapped to be informed on these items.through close captioning.... check it out in riverton wyoming council...THANK YOU ELECTED CITY OFFICIALS FOR THE COMPASSION THAT YOU SHOW ALL OF US. Really i do mean that. most of you have been very helpful with your suggestions. I PRAY YOU WILL NEVER BECOME HEARING IMPAIRED. make the people passive them hit them in the face with cow patties.
REMEMBER YOU CAN FEED A SPARROW, BUT DO NOT FEED AN EAGLE,{LET OUR NATIONAL BIRD STARVE TO DEATH!!! YEA THAT MAKES SENSE. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW.} HAWK, HERON, RAVEN, OR A CROW IN THE CITY OF RIVERTON. {THEY CAN EAT THE POISONED FEED THAT IS LEFT OUTSIDE OF RIVERTON.} CHECK THE NEW LAWS THAT WAS PASSED. WHY DO WE HAVE TO KILL ABOUT 1000 BUFFALO TO EAT, SELL OVER 1000 WILD MUSTANGS [ONLY 1600 PLUS], AND MURDER POSSIBLY OVER 1000 WOLVES [ONLY OVER 1300], HERE IN WYOMING THIS YEAR? Because they might come near us.{{What is the price for a license? MUSTANGS start at a $200-$300 at a prison farm auction. WOLVES are free if you think they might be killing the animals you are raising in their territory. RED FOX bounty $5.-$10., How much is BUFFALO on a controled hunt?}} Saw a Coyote coat today, how much is the bounty going for on them, since they are a predator too? Who decides what wildlife is better than the other? Save a frog or an owl, but finish these animals that are in our 1st National Park. Aren't they also our wildlife? You will be lucky if you ever see these animals again. WHY CAN'T WE TRANSPORT THESE MUSTANGS TO YELLOWSTONE? WE DID IT FOR THE WOLVES, MOUNTAIN LIONS, BEARS, BUFFALO. WE HAVE ALREADY LOST OUR 2ft. long RABBITS THAT USE TO LIVE IN YELLOWSTONE. NOW THEY ARE PROBABLY EXTINT. THEY CAN NOT FIND THEM ANYMORE. See how well anyone pays attention. What was the Bounty on those rabbits? SEE Feb 17 newspaper. WE CAN NOT DRILL FOR OIL,{SO IF WE DON'T WANT TO FREEZE WE GET TO DEPEND ON OTHER COUNTIES THAT HATE US}, BUT WE CAN GRAZE {CLONED?} CATTLE, that is not wildlife, on their land. Sure the wolf looks great in a coat, i can feed my dog or get to ride a horse, and i can eat buffalo steaks. Thank you Ted Turner for having one of the largest Buffalo ranches in Montana. But to see these animals free is beyound amazement. TO DESTROY THEM ON PURPOSE SO THEY WILL LOSE THEIR TRUE BLOOD LINES, IS BEYOUND COMPREHENSION. WE DON'T HAVE A ZOO IN WYOMING DO WE? Planning a trip to see these beauties you might want to hurry before spring is over. HOW ARE THEY HURTING YOU? JUST BECAUSE OF THE POSSIBLY CLONED CATTLE YOU WANT TO GRAZE ON THEIR LAND IN AND AROUND THE NATIONAL PARKS. HIGHWAYS IN PLACES WHERE THEY RUN? BECAUSE YOU WANT TO GO HIKING OR SKING, CAMPING AND LET YOUR PETS LOOSE OR BUILD WHERE THEY LIVE, AND YOU DON'T CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO KILL TO LIVE THERE YOURSELF. THAT WOULD LIKE KILLING 1500 CROWS[MIGRATORY] BECAUSE THEY NEST IN THE TREES YOU GROW IN THE CITIES. WAIT WE ALREADY DID THAT HERE. {SEE RIVERTON RANGER NEWSPAPER}, AND GOT AWAY WITH KILLING THOSE MIGRATORY BIRDS. IT REALLY WAS BEST IN 2006 TO LEAVE THOSE DEAD, OR DYING BIRDS TO DECAY WITH MAGGOTS AND GUTS ROTTING TO DROP ON OUR HEAD OR ON THE GROUND WHERE OUR CHILDREN OR PETS PLAYED, BECAUSE SO MANY WERE WOUNDED AND LEFT TO DIE SLOWLY. It is so much fun picking up those dead birds or even the dead animals who ate the dead or dying birds. Even a more pleasant image is watching the children play with their pets after they rolled in these dead animals, and then go touch their baby siblings. Please put out more poison, who is going to know it was you? Wonder why there is so much West Niles around here? WYOMING REALLY IS GROWING UP. PEOPLE HERE WANT BIGGER CITIES, NO WILD LIFE, JUST A NATIONAL PARK WITH NOTHING TO LOOK AT. I'm done ranting. Well maybe i am not. DO YOU THINK THEY WILL WARN US ABOUT WHEN AND WHERE THIS SATELITTE IS COMING IN AT? DIDN'T LAST TIME. 6 am we are getting the children ready for school and wham. I even started noticing how so many people are now on oxygen. WE WERE NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH. No one can tell me noone knew it was coming right toward us in the state of one of our highest official. We have the finest miltary survillance and noone knew. !!!! SO JUST IN CASE IT HAPPENS AGAIN PEACE AND GOOD LUCK.
As for all the kind suggestions about my thoughts about the missing pets around Wyoming, Thank you my dear family and friends, i am thinking of you too. Alas you must have forgotten, i am old and crazy and still don't give a shit. Still for the people who buys wolf coats for thousands of dollars, since the trophy wolves are free to kill and skin,{If you or yours was in danger of course} and let's not forget almost anyone knows how to tan a hide and sew in Wyoming, then I TRULY HOPE YOU ARE BUYING A WOLF COAT AND NOT SOMETHING OUT OF A DOG.
The Defenders of Wildlife web site is trying to stop the "shoot-on-sight" policy of the wolves here in Wyoming. See Riverton, Wyoming newspaper The Ranger- may 1- 2008. Please request Governor Freudenthal of Wyoming you perfer and you would love to see a wolf, traveling in Greater Yellowstone National Park in the wild instead of on a hat or in a coat. please check out this site. lets face it what are they going to do with the pelts after they slaughter these animals from killing what ever the ranchers raise, like what cloned cattle and pigs? Ewh. {we are eating and drinking cloned animals and by-products, they are injecting these animals with antibiotics that so many people are allergic to and noone has to tell us that.} They have info on how to contact Governor Freudenthal 307-777-7434 office number "HELLO DAVE" Yes i know people love trophy species and there is predator species, {and a pack of throw away dogs is also predator species} in my judgement, but i would rather watch these animal free roaming. Now on to my next cause Oil and Gas and the truckers who hauls everything to us. How ya doin y'all.?
Love Of A Father http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1EkWnqiJiQ
JESUS WAS A COUNTRY BOY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onbmx7K4cwc
Jesus Was A Country Boy, sang by Clay Walker