The Glimmer Sisters profile picture

The Glimmer Sisters

While everybody else just flips, she flips the discs

About Me

This is the new British girl. She is a novel phenomenon. She is Loyal, also Fickle, Obstinate, Gentle, Suspicious and Trusting. Also Sharp and Feckless, Ditzy and Curious, Realistic and Fantastic beyond belief. She is a new animal, a shock genetic mutation, and she has appeared everywhere. There is a new way of life and these girls are part of it, kicking up their heels as they join hands, strutting and swinging into the sunset.. The new girl belongs to this moment in time, and only this one. She doesn't let the past and the future rain on her parade - life is a rainbow for the new British girl. Consider them now. Resplendent! Sauntering, strolling, sitting, driving around the chosen streets and squares. Home is where they lay their bunny-hoppin', boogie-twistin' dancing boots, roosting like real Birds of Britain in whichever cherry-tree-tops are blasting zooky-zooky tunes and shaking with the moves of stone fox dudes. Like Venus in Furs or Hell's Angels in leather, the New girls glimmer past in Caroline Charles, feathered eyelashes, and Brascher wrist-cuffs, their limbs flickering like jackknives beneath their purple minidresses.Birmingham cracks out of its dingy chrysalis - an ultravisual, supersonic butterfly!Gunshot! Gunshot! "The Glimmer Sisters Present..." is not just a real deuce discotheque. Don't be a bunny! It's a natural and exuberant extension of a radical shake-up in Birmingham-at-work, a long overdue social, psychological and SEXUAL revolution! That's right, after just one night you're gonna want to jump our bones!The past is abandoned to tales of computer revolutions and two point five children. And the future? The future, as it has been pointed out, never comes. Life is not the hope of jam tomorrow, but an endless helping of jam today!The Glimmer Sisters offer no discernible future at all, just that fizzing champagne!

My Interests

Flipping the discs and Foxtrotting at the discotheque; Cruising the town and slurping Chambord; Making foxy posters from far-out fabric

I'd like to meet:

Dandies who sit in crowded bars, smoking ladders to the stars; Ladies who dance the cabinet shake 'til their shoes are worn and their long limbs ache; Boys who wear groovy and far-out threads and always look snappy from their heads to their treads; Ginchy guys and gals of Birmingham town who will GLIMMER all night and shakedown!


All that "horrendous retro bollocks".


I am the Artist. He rocks our world.

My Blog

The Glimmer Sisters Present...The Death of Glitter: What a Gas!

It was a dark night...The moon was full...Snow was lying roundabout, deep and crisp and even...But adverse weather conditions are not the sort of jive happenings which stop The Glimmer Sisters from sh...
Posted by The Glimmer Sisters on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 03:46:00 PST