HOOK - "da Hooker band" profile picture

HOOK - "da Hooker band"

New CD "HOAX or HERO" out NOW!

About Me

Hook, a todo el mundo le suena a la peli del puto Peter Pan, excepto a cuatro trillados que si se hubiesen encontrado con la nenaza de Peter Pan le hubiesen hecho comer asfalto hasta decir basta. Hook empieza en febrero del 2005 cuando Chipi, guitarra y voces, viene a vivir desde las lejanas tierras del norte y decide que beber cerveza no es lo único en la vida, así que forma el grupo junto a Eric bajista negro procedente de la NBA, y una batería de juguete (aka baterias del fruity loops). Pronto ven la necesidad de ir más allá y contratan (a finales de Junio) al hada de Pinocho para que convierta la batería en lo que es hoy, Jaume. Una semana más tarde y con la promesa de un harén sin fin se incorpora Saldish, guitarra y voces, y pronto ya graban un par de canciones que hablan sobre alcohol, skate y manipulación. Todo lo completa su debut en setiembre donde dejando a parte sus gustos por la música experimental bengalí, dieron toda una lección de movimiento pélvico sobre el escenario y fuera de él, seh! Tras un año de ser cubiertos por ropa interior (femenina y, por desgracia, masculina también) al finalizar los conciertos Saldish deja el grupo y se va a trabajar al Cirque du Soleil como hipopótamo, hundidos en la miseria encontramos a Norman que nos abandona por una tabla de surf, así que nos fuimos a africa a secuestrar a Haime, pero por culpa de la ley de extrangeria es deportado al Senegal, su tierra natal. Entonces convencimos a Christian para que dejara de ver los Goonies una y otra vez para que tocara un poco la guitarra con nosotros. Así pues nos encerramos de nuevo en el estudio (Ultramarinos Costa Brava) con Mr Santi Garcia y Victor Garcia a grabar lo que seria nuestro segundo disco, Hoax or Hero. Lo editamos en noviembre 2007 (Handcuff Records) y fue entonces cuando nos fuimos a Japon de turismo, con la mala fortuna que nos reconocieron por la calle y nos contrataron para 7 conciertos por tierras niponas. Una experiencia inolvidable, llena de personajes entrañables.En su corta vida Hook ya ha girado por la peninsula y por Japon y ha tocado con grupos como Sick Of It All, Ignite, Strike Anywhere, Satanic Surfers, This is a Standoff, Sun Eats Hours, Uncommonmenfrommars, Chixdiggit!, Venerea, Not Available, Much the Same, Captain Everything, All systems Go!, Upper, Sentimental, Straightaway, Standing Still, Phoebe Kates / Shoreline, Vanilla Sky y muchos otros.
Hook, everyone relates it to fuckin' Peter Pan, unless for a few freaks that would have kicked Peter Pan's ass till he claims for mercy. Hook starts in february 2005 when Chipi, guitar and vocals, moves from the far north and decides that beer is not the only in heis life, so he starts the band together with Eric black bassplayer from NBA league, and a drumming toy (aka fruity loops drums). Doesn't take much time to realize that they need to go further and they hire (end of june) Pinocchio's fair to transform drummachine in what you can see now, Jaume. A week later and under a promise of a huge harem Saldish (guitar and vocals) joins the band, and they soon record a couple of songs about, alcohol, skate and media manipulation. Everything is ready on september when leavin' aside their enthusiasm of experimental bengali music, teach the audience a lesson of pelvic dancing on and offstage, yeaah!! After a year of getting covered by underwear (women's mostly, but unluckily, men's also) after every show, Saldish quits the band to go work at Cirque du Soleil as an hipopotamus, sunk in misery we found Norman who left us for a surfboard, so we went to Africa to kidnap Haime, but because of imigration law's, he was deported to Senegal, his natal land. Then we convinced Christian to stop watching The Goonies once and again and he started playing guitar with us. So then, we got to the recording studio again (Ultramarinos Costa Brava) with Mr Santi Garcia & Victor Garcia to records what it will be our second CD, Hoax or Hero. We release it in November 2007 (Handcuff Records) and then we decided to go to Japan on tourism with such a bad luck that people recognised us and booked us for 7 shows in the rising sun land. It was an unforgetable experience, full of close friends...In its short life Hook's already toured Spain and Japan and played bands such as Sick Of It All, Ignite, Strike Anywhere, Satanic Surfers, This is a Standoff, Sun Eats Hours, Uncommonmenfrommars, Chixdiggit!, Venerea, Not Available, Much the Same, Captain Everything, All systems Go!, Upper, Sentimental, Straightaway, Standing Still, Phoebe Kates / Shoreline, Vanilla Sky and many others.

Upcoming shows!

My Interests


Member Since: 1/9/2007
Band Members: Now

Keisuke, vocals

Christian , guitars and some vocals

Carlos, guitars and some vocals

Eric , bass

Jaume, drums


Saldish , guitars and some vocals (Jul 2005 - Jun 2006)
Norman, guitars and some vocals (Jul 2006 - Dec 2006)
Haime-kun , guitars and some vocals (Dec 2006 - Dec 2007)
Discography: Hoax or Hero (2007)

@ Interpunk

Compiled Feelings (2006)

@ Interpunk

Demo (2005)

Compilations: Rockzone n.17 (July 2006)

Influences: Too many
Sounds Like: Hook
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Record Label: Handcuff Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Historia de conciertos / Show History

*** 2005 *** 24/09/2005 BLINK182 Tribute w/Cumshot + Dijous Paella + The Wave @ Rock&Trini , Barcelona29/10/2005 w/Sun Eats Hours + Advance @ KGB, Barcelona19/11/2005 w/Satanic Surfers + Not Avail...
Posted by HOOK - "da Hooker band" on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 02:03:00 PST


Barcelona, christian. 687078685 Vendo ibanez RG550 purpura, preciosa, en buen estado, solo con una rascada en l aparte de abajo en un concierto, ha rodado pro todo el mundo... basicamente america, jap...
Posted by HOOK - "da Hooker band" on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 03:18:00 PST