Drizzle of Dust nació a mediados del 2006 de la mano de Dowey (voz & guitarra) y Enzo (bajo & coros) después de una borrachera. Ambos, con gran arte, hipnotizaron a Oz (baterÃa) con su danza del amor y cayó rendido al encanto natural de DOD. Descontentos con las experiencias personales con los trÃos nos propusimos un gran reto: enseñar a tocar la guitarra a Vitu (guitarra solista), quien no tenÃa ni idea por aquel entonces. Pronto grabamos un elenco variado de nuestras canciones, las peores. De esta manera nos guardábamos un as en la manga para los directos. Y de momento no nos ha ido mal. Hemos tocado en todos los locales de la ciudad (L'H Llob.) asà como en Mephisto, Razzmatazz y un sinfÃn de festivales y fiestas. Eso sÃ, no sabemos cómo huele el aire fuera de Cataluña .___________________________________________________ Drizzle of Dust was born in mid 2006 by Dowey (lead singer & guitar) and Enzo (bass & backing vocals) after an intoxication. Them both, skilfully hypnotized Oz (drums) with their "dance of love", and he felt into the trap to DOD's natural charm. Dissatisfied with our personal experiences with trios we proposed a challenge: teaching Vitu (lead guitar) play the guitar, who knew nothing at that time. We soon recorded some varied songs of ours, the worst ones. We safed this way an ace for the gigs. And by the moment it hasn't gone wrong. We've played in each every local club of our city (L'H Llob.) as well as in Mephisto, Razzmatazz and a lot of festivals and parties. In spite of that, we don't know how smells the air out of Catalonia.