Ronny Wiesauer was born in Austria in the year 1979. At the age of six he started playing classical guitar. Later he found interest in popular music and jazz as well.
When he was 18 he started studying classical guitar at Mozarteum Salzburg. There he was a student of Marco Tamayo. 2006 he finished his studies at Mozarteum. During his time at Mozarteum he also had the great chance to study baroque Hexachord-technique with W.E. Haberl.
Based on these influences he tries to combine his knowledge for crossing the border of classical music and improvised contemporary music.
Repertoire (excerpt):
J.S. Bach BWV 997
J.S. Bach BWV 998
T. Takemitsu "Folios"
D. Bogdanovic "Jazz Sonata"
S.Assad "Sonata"
F. Martin "4 Pieces Breve"
N. Paganini "Caprice No. I, IX, XI & XVI"
L. Brouwer "El Decameron Negro"
A. Barrios "La Cathedra"
M. Giuliani "Grande Overtoure"
M. Giuliani "Folios De Espagna"
New Material will be released soon