JenyBean profile picture


The Incredible... not so edable, BEAN!</b

About Me

You can tell from the scars on my arms and the cracks in my hips and the dents in my car and the blisters of my lips that i'm not the carefullest of girlsyou can tell from the glass on the floor and the strings that're breaking and i keep on breaking more and it looks like i am shaking but it's just the temperature and then again if it were any colder i could disengage if i were any older i would act my age but i dont think that youd believe me it's not the way i'm meant to be it's just the way the operation made meand you can tell from the state of my room that they let me out too soon and the pills that i ate came a couple years too late and ive got some issues to work through there i go again pretending to be you make-believing that i have a soul beneath the surface trying to convince you it was accidentally on purposei am not so serious this passion is a plagiarism i might join your century but only on a rare occasion i was taken out before the labor pains set in and now behold the world's worst accident i am the girl anachronismand you can tell by the red in my eyes and the bruises on my thighs and the knots in my hair and the bathtub full of flies that i'm not right now at all there i go again pretending that i'll fall don't call the doctors cause they've seen it all before they'll say just let her crash and burn she'll learnthe attention just encourages herand you can tell from the full-body cast that you are sorry that you askedNthough you did everything you could like any decent person would but i might be catching so don't touch you'll start believing youre immune to gravity and stuff don't get me wet because the bandages will all come offand you can tell from the smoke at the stake that the current state is critical well it is the little things, for instance: in the time it takes to break it she can make up ten excuses:please excuse her for the day, its just the way the medication makes her...i dont necessarily believe there is a cure for this so i might join your century but only as a doubtful guest i was too precarious removed as a caesarian behold the worlds worst accidentI AM THE GIRL ANACHRONISM!♥lyt by avlays

My Interests

Anime, Cosplay, Sewing, Graphics, Drawing, playing with computers, reading, watching tv, is working an interest? maybe not... ok, slacking off. That's more like it. I also like Elegant Gothic Lolita fashion. It's just so pretty!

I'd like to meet:

I don't know who I'd like to meet. I work in the film industry so I'm descensitized to celebrities. I guess I can say that meeting Denzel Washington was a thrill. He was such a nice dude!


Thus far my favorite movies include (but are not limited to): The Neverending Story, The Last Unicorn, Ella Enchanted, Moulin Rouge


Lately, I've been into The Shield. That's a pretty bitchin' show. I also love Smallville.


This is easy: The Harry Potter series, The Giving Tree (my oldest fav), The Mists of Avalon, The Devine Comedy, and anything that is either epic or fantasy fiction.


I've got a lot of heroes. None are famous: My Mom, My oldest friend Mo, and my Husband. I do look up to them greatly because they have helped me find my path in life. Damn that sounds religeous.

My Blog


Posted by JenyBean on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 09:16:00 PST

I'm Back

Ha! Just when you thought blogging was over-rated!!! HAHAHAHA!! Well, i is. But I'm posting anyway!! Been busy with work as usual, but not too busy where I'm not available to be reached ::cough cough...
Posted by JenyBean on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 08:59:00 PST


My first entry in My Space. LAME! ANyways... this is cool to have on the side because there are people on Lj that I don't need up in my business and it's also nice to get the hell away from that dr...
Posted by JenyBean on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST