Anime, Cosplay, Sewing, Graphics, Drawing, playing with computers, reading, watching tv, is working an interest? maybe not... ok, slacking off. That's more like it. I also like Elegant Gothic Lolita fashion. It's just so pretty!
I don't know who I'd like to meet. I work in the film industry so I'm descensitized to celebrities. I guess I can say that meeting Denzel Washington was a thrill. He was such a nice dude!
Thus far my favorite movies include (but are not limited to): The Neverending Story, The Last Unicorn, Ella Enchanted, Moulin Rouge
Lately, I've been into The Shield. That's a pretty bitchin' show. I also love Smallville.
This is easy: The Harry Potter series, The Giving Tree (my oldest fav), The Mists of Avalon, The Devine Comedy, and anything that is either epic or fantasy fiction.
I've got a lot of heroes. None are famous: My Mom, My oldest friend Mo, and my Husband. I do look up to them greatly because they have helped me find my path in life. Damn that sounds religeous.