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Country Girl FOREVER!

About Me

Daddy and Mama 1950 (The two reasons I am here today!)

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Hosted By SparkleTags.comHey Everybody! My name is Lynn Marie and I am the youngest of three girls. I'm about 50 minutes younger than my oldest sister Lisa, and about 5 minutes younger than the middle sister, Lori!..If you're a bit confused I will narrow it down for you. I am a triplet. We are all a lot alike in some ways and a lot different in MANY ways. I am the tomboy or tom"girl" of the three of us. I love the outdoors and fishing. I've killed (to date) 8 deer (with my little red Ford Ranger) NO! I don't hunt deer. I just happen to run into them on my way to work! BUT, I do love to eat them! I love a good fish fry, too! Me and my sisters were very blessed to have been brought up in a Godly, Christian home. Our parents adopted us when we were just 6weeks old and next to my SALVATION in Jesus, it was the greatest thing to have ever happened to me. To have been taught the way of SALVATION thru FAITH in JESUS CHRIST at such a young age and to be loved UNCONDITIONALLY. (1 JOHN 1:7 BUT IF WE WALK IN THE LIGHT, AS HE IS IN THE LIGHT, WE HAVE FELLOWSHIP ONE WITH ANOTHER, AND THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST HIS SON CLEANSETH US FROM ALL SIN.)

My Interests

I LOVE HORSES, but since my diagnosis of my degenerative disc disease and my two herniated disc in my lower back, I am unable to ride anymore! I LOVE cows! I LOVE chickens!We had a farm YEARS ago and I miss having my chickens, cows, goats, and rabbits!And to me there is nothing sweeter than "PUPPIES BREATH". Up until just recently, we have ALWAYS had a farm and BIG gardens but with daddy sick AND my back, we were just not able to carry on working them anymore! We've even raised beagles for HUNTING dogs (that's where my LOVE of puppies breath came in) I love to lay in the bed of my truck in the summer nights and listen to the crickets and tree frogs sing their evening songs and there is nothing sweeter than the sound of a distant whipperwill. And in the spring and summer afternoons I love to go and lay under a shade tree and enjoy watching nature! Anything OUTDOORS interest me! I LOVE to CATfish! I like to watch motocross racing! I LOVE my church and any get togethers we ALWAYS have! We BAPTIST KNOW how to cook! My favorite HOLIDAY is THANKSGIVING, because it's a time we ALL sit down and reflect on just how good our LORD has been to us! Every DAY should be THANKSGIVING!

I'd like to meet:

I'm always meeting new people where I work and I cant think of one famous person that I would like to meet but I will tell you this much. I can't wait till the day comes that I can meet my JESUS face to face, to fall at his feet and thank HIM for going to the cross for me!
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Christian Glitter by


I LOVE southern Gospel and OLD country...NOT this junk on the radio today!! I love the MCKAMEYS, SOUTHERN GOSPEL group! I love ALABAMA! Randy Travis! Kenny Rogers! Dolly Parton! JOHN DENVER!!! I love anything positive!!Country Roads -- John Denver

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ME and my sister LORI love to collect the OLD Disney films.Any thing with Tim Conway and Don Knotts(THE SHAGGY DOG & PRIVATE EYES), Hayley Mills (POLLYANNA & THAT DARN CAT), Annette Funicello (MONKEY'S UNCLE & ESCAPADES IN FLORENCE) and Dean Jones (BLACKBEARD'S GHOST & THE UGLY DACHSHUND) Oh, and I LOVE the original STARWARS and JAWS I & II AND ALL of the JURRASIC PARK MOVIES!


A BIG fan of the Boomerang Channel Especially when they are having an ALL DAY MARATHON of the ORIGINAL Scooby Doo!!!! You know the episodes I grew up on in the 70's!! Funky Phantom, Wheely and the Chopper Bunch, Speed Buggy! Can you tell I NEVER grew up? And the classics I also love are..."LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE" "BONANZA" and "BIG VALLEY" Oh yeah! How 'bout them DUKE BOYS? Every Saturday night (when I was a little girl) me and granny used to get our popcorn, peanuts and cola's and watch "HEE HAW" and "THE DUKES OF HAZZARD" BUT MY ALLTIME FAVORITES ARE THE "OLD" MICKEY MOUSE CLUBS! THEY DON'T MAKE 'EM LIKE THAT ANYMORE!!


My Bible! That's the ONLY book I'll sit down and read. Like my sister LORI I get HEADACHES when I try and read. I'd rather wait till the book becomes a MOVIE!!


MY FAMILY...but ESPECIALLY my twin sister,LORI!!
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My Blog

God's Plan of Salvation

God's Plan of SalvationThe Bible says there is only one way to HeavenJesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6)Good works cannot save you...
Posted by Lynn on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 09:21:00 PST

I Have Captured God's Heart

You Have Captured God's Heart by Max LucadoJust look at the gifts he has given you: He has sent his angels to care for you, his Holy Spirit to dwell in you, his church to encourage you, and his word t...
Posted by Lynn on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:31:00 PST