Hand drums (steel, djembe, bhodrun, darbukah, etc.); bass guitar; acoustic guitar; singing; literature of all kinds; stupid jokes; Goofballs from every walk of life; Possibility of starting a new project; weightlifting; kickboxing; planting trees on my land; learning to play the bagpipes if I can ever find a set of them I can afford; Going home to NYC; Trying not to vomit when overhearing people kiss ass.
The asshole who came up with "No Child Left Behind" so I can bitch-slap him from here to next week. Come to think of it, there are more than a few bitch-slap-worthy assholes in history I'd like to meet in a VERY dark alley while carrying a cue-ball in a sock. These lovelies include: the moron who designs parking lots in New Mexico; the inventor of the speed-bump; the genius who dreamed up the car stereo sub-woofer; the first mime; whoever decided what "ladylike" meant; Richard Nixon; the idiot who talked the Bush dynasty into taking over the country; the first crooked Republican; the first televangelist; the inventor of shitty pop music; Billy Ray Cyrus, Travis Twitt and all the cheesy-ass country music stars that recorded the really cheesy-ass country music that people insist on playing everywhere you fucking GO in New Mexico; whoever decided that New Mexico should be a state; Mike Bloomberg; Giovanni Verrazano for destroying Staten Island; most of the Republican Party over the last, say, 30 years; Anne Coulter; the stupid bastard that decided England had the right to fuck with Ireland; Elton John; Elvis; Frank Sinatra; Nancy Sinatra; Anyone named Sinatra; and, of course, whose ever idea it was that "Silver Spoons" and "Full House" would be good comedy in the 80's.
Anything but fuckin' country music. It makes me want to rip somebody's spleen out & beat them with it.
Monty Python (all); Mel Brooks (most); The Marx Brothers; Drowning Mona; X-Men (1 and 2); Harold & Maude; Braveheart; Gladiator; All sorts of movies. I don't have 3 days to type them all. Suffice it to say I like comedy and movies about fighting (no, not Stephen I'm-A-Tranquilizer-Junkie-And-Can-Only-Make-3-Word-Movies Segal, or even Jean-Claude Van Dammit) - mostly sword & shield, archery, Fuck-the-Monarchy-type movies.
I don't bother.
Anything well-written enough that doesn't compel me to mark up the entire text as though I was the editor. Basically, I like fantasy, science fiction (to a point), comedy and mysteries. Anyone caught weilding a soppy romance novel (aka the right-wing version of porn) should be strung up with barbed wire and shot in the stomach.
My kids (yes, I have 2 awesome boys); my dad; my brother; my sisters (including those who are sisters not by blood but by choice); Tina McLoughlin; Tara McMunn (formerly of The Ultra 5, the Maneaters and Zero Child); Angry Irish people