Help The Fake H2 Site by showing support by placing the image below on your myspace page and/or blogs or bulletins!!!!!
This website is designed specifically to identify who is fake in the Halo 2/Xbox live community. This site is directed towards girls specifically at the moment because there are so many in the H2 community. This website is not made to "bash" anyone. This site was designed with the sole purpose to identify who (in our opinion) is fake in the Halo 2/Xbox live community. We are not, however, telling anyone what to think, who to be friends with, etc. we simply want to make sure that people have the information, what they do with it is up to them. This site is not directed toward any specific all girl clans and/or communities. This site is directed towards the fake individuals.
1. All people who are submitted on this site are investigated before hand and have multiple things that incriminate them as to being a FAKE. We will not supply what things we look for because we do not want future FAKES to learn how to get around the system.
2. The pictures, URL's, and blogs will all stay up about a specific FAKE, unless they submit a verification picture and/or come out to being fake and/or having fake pictures. "Coming out" can be done privately if you so choose, but we will keep your pictures up on our site along with all the info we have on you prior to "coming out" to make sure everyone is informed of your patheticness.
3.Verification pictures include a picture taken with a controller in hand, a headset on, with a gamertag written on hand, arm, or another body part, and must include "GT:" or "Gamertag".
4.If a FAKE H2 BITCH submits a legitament verification picture, we will publicly apologize on both this site and our myspace to, ultimately, state our wrong doings.
5. If a FAKE does, infact, "come out" and DELETES her myspace and erases ALL of her fake pictures and informs everyone that she has been pathetic and has been lying this whole time: all pictures, URL's, blogs, and/or anything else pertaining to that specific person will be deleted.
6. All messages from a FAKE H2 BITCH will be submited in the blog section along with any other information pertaining to this specific person being a fake.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What exactly does a "fake" halo chic mean?
A. A fake halo chic is a girl gamer that makes a FAKE myspace using pictures of someone else rather than using pictures of herself. Usually the pictures used are pictures of very attractive girls. These fake chics are usually pathetic people, and/or have very low self esteems, howev er their actions are not justified in anyway. They live a totally fake life to try to convince people on XBL that they are infact who they say they are.
Q. How do you know that they are infact fake?
A. We have our ways of going about things. Sometimes we're not exactly sure that they are infact fake, but we have a good idea they are. Sometimes it is rather obvious.
Q. Why do you care so much?
A. The reason we care so much is because some of us have been tricked into believing some of the "better liars" and have actually been screwed over because of them. Some people have been lied to so much that they even missed out on MLG's and other events because of such people and their lies. We're here to make sure that EVERYONE knows who's a fake, and who's real. Nobody likes to be lied to and nobody likes to be screwed over. We're simply here to help, not to be bitches. This site is also here to promote real girl gamers. It sucks nowdays that us REAL girls have to be questioned whether or not we are real because of fakes like this. It sucks... but you gotta do what you gotta do. Prove you're real!
Q. How YOU can help.
A. If you know any halo chics that you have ANY doubts of her being real, let us know. Send us any links/emails/whatever info you have on the girl in question to us and we will investigate it and then put her on our site. You can also help by telling people about our site and/or putting us on your top 8.
Thanx to all our supporters and to all those REAL girls out there gaming it up. :)
Sites We Support
Team xRaHx
Lady Ledgends