Nikki Fatality [YA DiGG?!] profile picture

Nikki Fatality [YA DiGG?!]


About Me

I can take apart the remote control and I can almost put it back together.
I'm Nicole. ♥

I play basketball and softball.
I'm 17 years young.
I'm 5 ft 2 in short.
I'm 115 lbs light.
And nobody messes with me.
I love video games and have Xbox Live.
I talk a lot of trash.
I only roll with the cool kids of Halo. ;D
I'm in an awesome clan that is females ONLY.
I'm obsessed with playing with my belly button ring.
Even though I shouldn't.
I party... A lot.
But I'm not a whore.
I'm a fighter.
My boyfriend is amazing.
Kasper && Nicole; <5/9/05* & 8/3/07*>
If you want to know any more about me add me on Xbox Live or message me. =)