paige loves Nate soo much <3 profile picture

paige loves Nate soo much <3

IMAGIN ME WITHOUT YOU. its imposable Nate, i love you 3

About Me

..Its sad to think that this world has mad us so corupt. it seams like there is no one with a heart anymore, like there inocence has been taken away. they have nothing left in there souls, so they hurt you, put you down,and tear you apart, to fill the gapes in there own souls . and they do all this to feel complete to feel like they matter. they are like a leach who sucks the life out of you and keeps it for its own. we all feel down sometimes and want to take it out on others, but im the one who gets torn apart, because unlike the rest of the fucking world, I stick up for thoes who get pushed around, thoes who are still inocent and have the heart that the rest of the world has lost, you may be somethine big here in this world, but what about the next...its hard to hate someone who hurts you and puts you down, because you wonder what has made them like that, what has made them that upset, where they have to hurt someone who has never done anything wrong. why cant we all be inocent again, like it was when we were kids, when we could just walk up to someone, and be there friend, i know what it is, its time we all figure it out...
Shot at 2007-07-29
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Shot with 603 at 2007-06-29So we are all judges right? and we are all judged well i cant say that this isnt true so im so curious to see who will read this and not just look at what i am but who i am , all my life i have been the lover the one who all i care about is other people it makes me happy to see you happy and its so sad to look around and only see people who care about themselves and no one else it breaks my heart , we all need to love eachother and look in the soul and not at a fucking face, look down deep and love for who they are forever..................................................... .......................if i could ever say one thing to you, for you to remember me or to look back on when im gone , know that i loved you, with all of my heart, and if anything ever happens, i want you to know that you were the one who kept me trying, and you nate will always be in my heart, so everyday when you feel that breeze, know that im there with you forever, whereever you go, no matter how far you are, i wana be your angel....because you are mine .....i love you.after so long you get to the point where everything you have worked for, the desire the hope its all sitting right tin front of your face and some people don’t know what to do with it as for me , my life like everyone else has had some extreme highs and some extreme lows and everyone thinks that there life is the worst. but honestly you look at people that seem so happy but you have no clue what the fuck they have been threw or you may see someone who looks like they have been threw so much but compared to you its just a walk in the park, we cant sit here thinking our lives are sooo bad when we forget to look at the people around us. so don’t be to down on your self i know it sux some times but that’s life what would life be without the downs , the ups wouldn’t seem so amazing for every negative there is a positive there isn’t a good without a badhave you ever been driving down the street and looked over in the passing lanes, so many cars so many people where are they all going? what are they all doing? its crazy isn’t it to think that we are so ignorant to think that we are the only people that matter in this world.

My Interests

Shot at 2007-08-07

Shot with 603.

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Ill hold you forever, even when you dont know im there you are everything to me and i dont care if you dont know im there i need you.i have learned a new lesson in . Sometimes in life we have to face dispointments, when you have worked so hard for something and you try to let others know but you cant seem to get it across to them, the world may not know who i am just yet and me feelings twards life, but they will, ill take my looses, and make it a win, i wont stand for 2nd place, because in my own heart i know im a fighter and ill stand for what i belive in, i didnt win the crown in the 2007 miss nebraska but i did get top 10 and i did get an outstanding award, it makes me happy to know that i have my friends and family standing behind me, now ill run for miss america, and i promis that ill blow them out of the water, because i am me, and no one else and ill make sure they know it.break my heart shatter my dream it doesnt mean anything find your self and never put me on that shelfdont make me be the doll with her moth sown let me breath the truthiv traped my self in these walls, i love him so much and the more i care the worse it gets, i cant handle the distance i cant handle the fact that some stupid person that doesnt even know him can see him everyday, while i sit here in pain, just wanting 1 look, 1 kiss, and i never get it. im so alone i cant take it anymore love is a gift and a curse, that all you care about is that one person and you will never know if they care about you


Shot with unknown
Shot with 603.


Shot at 2007-08-09


i sometimes feel that life is just so complicated that i will never truly understand my purpose , i spend so much time trying to figure it out, i get so lonely on this quest for self recognition, i wonder why im so different from everyone else, i do things differently, maybe its because of my past my present? everyone has had a different experience to make them who they are, im so afraid that god isn’t real and that its all just a cover up to make me fee like im not alone in this world, and that when i die i wont just disappear, that i might actually go somewhere , ill have dreams that im just going to go away forever and ill wake up in a panic, i cant breath. ill drive on a busy street just to feel like im not alone, like the other peoples presents will make me feel loved, am i even loved? do i mean as much to someone as they are to me , life isn’t fair, why am i cursed with this mind of mine, why do i feel everything, why do i see everything, is there a difference between faith and ignorance? who am i really, why cant people see who i am!!!!!! why cant they know me for me? i just don’t get it , no one knows who i am, but me... and that’s my life.i am a strand of thread, so small an insignificant, you can break me, you can cut me down, you can burn me, but no matter how much you try, i will never disappear......there will always be a little piece of me lying around there somewhere, in your heart, because anything that is matter , will always be there... ...Love is when you care about someone , even when they are gone, love is not caring if they gain weight or get a new hair cut, love is caring about someone no matter what, and not being able to get enough of them..
..Boom Boom Rocket

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This is me and my brother playing BOOM BOOM ROCKETS!!!! i am on the right owning and he got distroyed at the end hahahahhaahhhahahahhahhaha IM BETTER!!My Heroes are definatly nate my family and beckers (: they are always there for me and i love them so much
Shot at 2007-07-29