Andreyushka Pitersky profile picture

Andreyushka Pitersky

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

the pictures say it all :)

I play and sing in 2 bands now:
"MiruMir!"- Russo-Americano-Punko-Molotov-Cocktail-Extravaganza
"Chervona" - Intoxicated /Slavic /Huligan /Gypsy Jazz
here is an older MiruMir! show: Who Can You Trust Here?

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My Interests

Music to play, Music to record, Music to dance to. Audio Gear, MultiMedia, Soundesign, Film, My Friend's ART, Creating Crazy Parties and all that jazzz... And YES - EDUCATION!

I'd like to meet:

My mother again, one sunny day.


Music, Music, Music I woke up this morning and this song is everywhere i go:


Life is Beautiful, Tin Drum, Tarkovksy, Furman ...


Say NO to DRUGS - KILL your TV! I killed mine 11 years ago. Nice!


Books are GOOD! Love them!


My Father, my Grandmother Vera, Jisus Christ, Lennon, Janna D'ark, Atos, Partos i Aramis, Che Burashka, Yuri Gagarin.

My Blog

I woke up this morning rich and famous (again)

Front page of OREGONIAN , local news papaer. Long awaited article with profile on me. I 'm still guessing why this guy made it to the front page. As always the real important words of mine never end u...
Posted by Andreyushka Pitersky on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 05:42:00 PST

Mercury Article - what's the big deal?

After I spent about 4 hours writing about immigrant culture in Portland and a role of MiruMir in local music scene nothing out of it made to the article. Oposite, what made to it is not exiting t...
Posted by Andreyushka Pitersky on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 07:14:00 PST