Sunday 9th march FUEL performance & live music show turns 3 year with me and other special guests: American writer, P Lewis songwriter from Seattle now Berlin based: Joe Czarnecki Berlin's odd spokenword performer: Tom Mars
hosted by lady gaby Fuel's new home is Schokoladen Bar,Acker str 169 Berlin mitte, 9pm start!
Fuel has a new home..Relaunch party coming up!
SEXFLIES, a visual arts and performances extravaganza about sexual deviants, pleasures, secrets and fantasies.
a new online international literary anthology, SEXFLIES waslaunched at the SEXFLIES group show at the IG BildendeKunst Gallery in Vienna.
flier by photographer, Jo Voets, 2007
I have browsed through many arts and cultural international festivals in Germany, Australia, Austria, Denmark, Holland, England, Sweden, Spain and Czech Republic where I graced the stage with lyrics about many contemporary issues, women’s roles and positions, longings for place and identity, urban issues and other rather pleasurable subjects such as sexuality, lust and fantasies. And now some words said about me: ' such a great writer!' Kitty Solaris, Berlin. 'Oddly poetic'! The Age Newspaper, Melbourne. 'I was most excited to hear lady gaby. She was born in romania, raised in australia, and now lives in berlin. I had chill bumps from it. I immediately bought her two books and a cd of her spoken word. later in the evening she gave the gay couch a private reading in which she humped the table, and threw glitter on us. fan-fucking-tastic.' Lock Fox, Prague.'Punk Poet Lady Gaby Bila-Günther ist bekannt für ihre Schnoddrigkeit. Australische Ureinwohnerin, könnte sie genausogut einem Berliner Hinterhof entsprungen sein. Nicht umsonst ist ihr Spitzname 'Loudmouth'. Uns seit ihrem ersten Berlin Aufenthalt Anfang '90 bekannt, ist sie seit kurzem als Lady Gaby feste Dorfdisco Mitarbeiterin. Hier aber ein Teil ihres dichterischen Schaffens, dem es weder an Dynamit noch Schärfe mangelt!' Dorfdisco, Berlin. Check out my writing on Berlin's underground music mag online: and you must read my latest erotic anthology SEXFLIES if you browse http://ladygaby[dot]awardspace[dot]com it will give you new fantasies that might delight your sexual life.