scrabble, pomerol, rupert's cooking, text messaging.
Dirk Bogarde, Anthony Perkins, Rachmaninov, Philip K Dick, Marylin Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, David Lynch, Marlene Dietrich, Kate Moss, Michaela Strachan, David Bowie
Aphex Twin, Rachmaninov, Kraftwerk, Philip Glass, Make Way for Noddy theme tune, Survivor, Led Zep, Black Sabbath, Manics, Jazz, Rollins, FourTet and most lately (revival) the long beautiful crescendo provided by Gorecki
Exorcist, Lost Highway, Dead Man's Shoes, Hitchcock, Happiness, Rosemary's Baby, Kes, Italian For Beginners (thanks Hanne), Audition, Visitor Q, Anything with Dirk Bogarde
Newsnight, Channel 4 News, News 24, Panorama, Question Time, Brass Eye
Tolstoy, Garcia Marquez, Nabokov, Shakespeare, Robert Graves, Atomised was good...thanks Petra
Dirk Bogarde