Jewelryman profile picture


There is a part of my spirit in everything I do. The love goes beyond the metal. Jewelry is my life

About Me

I am a jeweler that travels around to events selling some of the most unique and high quality items you will ever see. I don't say that as sales talk I say it because it is true, my track record over the years proves it with my clients. Ask anybody about me and they will tell you that I care about what I do as well as my customers. This is everything to me because in my eyes if there is nothing else in this world I can do right it's this. This began as something to do now it is all I am and everything I am. It's not about the money, it's about what I see in people. Most jewelers are out here to get rich which is why you have to pay what you do when you go to work with them.I tend to be different, you don't have to get charged what you do to get quality service nor a quality product. That is what they want you to believe. While there are some out there that can definitely "name their price" not all deserve the right to do so based on what they are selling. Don't get me wrong, there are many high skilled artisans and master craftsmen out there that have earned their place yet there is no need to be so aloof. I am the kind of guy that believes that customers don't need to be of the highest income level to buy from you nor to even be welcomed into your establishment. This is where a lot of jewelers are messing it up for customers. This has turned into a business of money, money, money and not about the people who are the reason you are there in the first place. I would not be anywhere were it not for the people who show their support. I thank you all more than you can begin to know, you have made my life better by your smiles and allowing me to learn from all of you. I honestly believe there is a piece of me in everything I have sold and it warms my heart to know that you welcomed me into your life if even for a short moment. You gave me a chance, you became my friends and I will always be grateful for it.I don't care about what walk of life you are from, you are welcome here. If I can get it for you I will get it. If you see anything on my page you are interested in let me know. If you have any suggestions about things you are looking for please let me know, I am here to help. Thank all of you for every smile, every word of encouragement and every time you know you saved money by shopping with a business that understands. I want everybody to enjoy what they have and cherish what they have.Again, thank you so much...I bow in respect to you all...Ron Taylor's JewelryMake sure you check out ...

My Interests

Jewelry, taking care of my customers, spirituality, knowledge and opening your mind to the truth or untruth of reality.I have never rode 100 miles an hour on a motorcycle, what does that feel like? Anybody willing to take me for a ride?I have never went to a professional hockey game anybody want to roll?I have never fell in love, though I understand there a sister out there willing to stand up and say come get me!?? LOL...check my blog...

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is about something positive regardless of religion or creed or walk of life, I believe we all have something to give in our own way. I learn something from everyone I meet and hope to meet you so the learning continues!


Anything that moves me, I am a mood listener. If it hits me and I feel it I listen to it, no matter what it is..


The golden compass? Oh I dug it!


No favorite shows at the moment, I hardly have time for TV, really.



All who have acknowledged my existence...all that have supported are so appreciated!

My Blog

You are appreciated

You are appreciated..From the days of Egypt you were the center of the universeDuring the times of kings you were honored among the firstYour heart spoke of love for each and everyoneA mind that taugh...
Posted by Jewelryman on Sat, 05 May 2007 09:17:00 PST

Where I am

Since I can never be there for all those special moments it feels to good to be where I am. I am everywhere at once and still only where I am and while that may be strange to you let me further explai...
Posted by Jewelryman on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 07:09:00 PST definition

Love?Love is it an illusion or a reality? Is it something that we can't live without or something that keeps us from living? Can you say it is a heartbeat? Can you say it is a whisper? Can you say tha...
Posted by Jewelryman on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 03:41:00 PST

To be befriended

When one says he is a friend the one has made a deal. That deal is in exchange for the same from others. One does not even have to be of like mind or anything to know that the word "friend" is never t...
Posted by Jewelryman on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 06:14:00 PST

I should learn chinese

You Should Learn ChineseSurprised? You shouldn't be - Chinese is perfect for an ambitious person like you.You're a natural entrepreneur, and a billion people are waiting to do business with you!What L...
Posted by Jewelryman on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 04:26:00 PST

To be cool with people

When I do business one of the things I will never get tired of is how cool people are to me. From the learning I have done and dealing with people from all walks of life I have learned to be cool with...
Posted by Jewelryman on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 10:04:00 PST

Why I do what I do

A lot of times I get asked why I got into the jewelry business and plain and simple it was not to get rich. I didn't care about making all the money and I may never be somebody like a jacob or chris a...
Posted by Jewelryman on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 11:13:00 PST