Renegade Radio profile picture

Renegade Radio

You ready to rock? Better be.

About Me

It's a rough world out there. Everyone pushing for their own existance and survival and going at it in a very competitive entertainment industry. hell, a lot of the entertainment value out of the entertainment industry can be just watching it. but watching it can also hurt like hell if you love music and you see the state of it today. but what can i person do?everything they can. that's us. that's renegade, baby. the lines need to all be erased and a "new world order" set for the music for both artists and fans. do that, the business will take care of itself, i always tune in. listen. let us know how we can keep you around. :) PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile..

My Interests

Music, obviously. We're very into it. SO into it. so into it we've got a community of our own coming up and we hope it interests you too! Not much else to say here other than if you want to know more of my interests then e-mail me and send a recent pic. clothign optional. another one of my interests.

I'd like to meet:

PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


and something great for indie rock in the works!
Renegade Shows

Bands we love!

if you're not on here it's 1st probably because you don't have a "copy code" link on your page to make it easy on me. otherwise it's because i ran out of time and i'll catch you next update. if you gimme the code. : )


now THIS is kinda a redundant section, ya think? the player on the page right now has a good cross section of the music we play and support, national and a few indies who we could find to put in the player. we'll look for another player to show off our bad ass indie friends soon!


funny you should read this. iceberg has written a 20 page script and it's now in editing and and initial phases to cast and scope out where we can shoot it. so, yea. we're into movies also you could say. with any luck we'll do a movie about the local scene soon. scene soon sounds chinese doesn't it?


got a nice one but really don't wanna talk about it here.


books? that's offline isn't it?


my mom and dad. my high school lit teacher. my high school drama teacher. my high school. 6 random college classes. 1 self study on internal awareness and 1 psychology trip to analyze why i was studying my internal awareness.oh yea, and one phychologist.

My Blog

Suicide Sunday on RenegadeRadio.Net

you thought "jack radio" had some wild tastes? this memorial day weekend just imports a vast majority of our music collection for play while we move servers and have a surprise ready...
Posted by Renegade Radio on Sun, 25 May 2008 10:25:00 PST

Chris Nite’s Monthly Car Show March 15

This Saturday March 15 my monthly car show returns!! If you have missed the first two ask yourself why the hell not?! This month since it is warmer out I invited local blues greats "Mike Daugherty & 3...
Posted by Renegade Radio on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 02:21:00 PST


some have asked where is Pantego? well its right in the middle of Arlington!its about 10 mins southwest of the new cowboys stadium. our first show was awesome we had alot of friendly folks stop by. ri...
Posted by Renegade Radio on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:25:00 PST


NITE'S PEOPLES CHOICE AWARD 2007! the list was compiled from name submissions given by the bands or their fans. if your band is not on the list all I can say is we tried to open it up to any and all b...
Posted by Renegade Radio on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 07:33:00 PST


Posted by Renegade Radio on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 03:13:00 PST


RSVP before I shut the list down!! this year I will have some special guests playing live for us along with the costume contest! for more info hit the flyer to RSVP hit me up ASAP!to go along with the...
Posted by Renegade Radio on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 01:13:00 PST

When is silence heard?

Today, June 26 2007, RenegadeRadio.Net joined forces with all other online radio broadcasters out there and shut down for a day. In this instance yes, it's just for a day and there are times a good te...
Posted by Renegade Radio on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 09:31:00 PST

Life with the RIAA - Part 2

Not long ago, the RIAA decided to go for the internet jugular and make an attempt to wipe out internet radio. While I'm not here for the stats or to be referenced as such, the basic premise was to ch...
Posted by Renegade Radio on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 08:16:00 PST

the day the music died

maybe it's a bit dramatic to say this. maybe drama is what we need. but recently the RIAA's decision to make a run at killing internet radio has a lot of people, such as myself, wondering just what th...
Posted by Renegade Radio on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 11:12:00 PST

friends list - updated and my logic to ours

i had all of our shows there ready to go and as i'm building this back out and wanting to keep it radio focused, not personal, the friends on top are going to change from time to time. 24 is a lot but...
Posted by Renegade Radio on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 10:43:00 PST